「 Chapter Eleven 」

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"Wah! Delicious!" You squealed as Y/N took a bite Sakura Mochi.

"I know right?" Mitsuri squealed along with Y/N, closing her eyes to enjoy the sweetness of the Sakura Mochi.

"Eating candy? Again?" Sabito asked.

"But it's so good!" You whined, turning to Sabito; who was raising an eyebrow at you.

"Of course it's good. It's candy," He pursed his lips together.

"I'm not going to stop," you said stubbornly, chewing on some more Sakura Mochi.

"You're going to get sick," Sabito tried once more to make Y/N to stop eating the Sakura Mochi.

"I never got sick eating these!" Mitsuri interrupted before Y/N or Sabito could say another word. "How was the festival, Y/N?" Mitsuri changed the subject with a sly smirk plastered on her adorable face.

Your face reddened as you stopped chewing on the Sakura Mochi which was melting in your mouth.

"I-It was fun!" Y/N quickly looked away, wishing Mitsuri didn't see her tomato-colored face because if she did, she would never stop talking about it.

"Really?" Mitsuri asked again, but this time moving closer to Y/N.

You couldn't take it anymore. Dashing away, you covered your face with both your hands.

"Ow!" You winced as Y/N bumped into someone. Someone that was strong. He also had raven-colored—wait, the person I bumped into was Tomioka Giyuu. Why was it him out of all the Hashiras! I mean, you didn't want to bump into anyone, but why did it have to be someone that was on my mind everyday?

"Are you okay?" Giyuu asked with a hand stretched out for me to grab. I thankfully grabbed his hand and stood up, patting the dirt away.

"Yeah. I'm fine," Y/N murmured.

"I'm glad I didn't hurt you," said Giyuu.

"It's not your fault! It was my fault for not paying attention!" You quickly looked up to meet his twinkling eyes. Was that on purpose?

"You're so adorable when you're mad!" Giyuu commented, letting out a small chuckle. It was so nice to see him make some emotion and not be like the emotionless guy he was. Even Shinobu said you changed him, changed him to be a bit more social.

"I'm not!" You flushed.

"Whatever you say," Giyuu brought his index finger to the cheek of your face, twirling a strand of your hair that came loose from your messed up ponytail.

"W-What are you doing?" You stammered, surprised by his sudden movements.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean too-" Giyuu had finally realized what he was doing but you didn't mind and placed both your hands on his, making him calm down.

"It's not a big deal," Y/N murmured softly to Giyuu, your eyes wandered to his mesmerizing deep blue eyes.

"It isn't?"


Awkward silence filled the air with unwanted tension. Between you and Sabito, there was never this uneasy feeling. Though you thought that it was because Giyuu was a quiet person and Sabito is a more outgoing person.

"I'm sorry if this is really awkward!" You exclaimed before sprinting away. Y/N didn't want to meet his gaze. Oh how disappointed his eyes would look, seeing you run away.

"Y/N. Kagaya Ubuyashiki wants to see you," Kagaya's daughter said with no tone or expression on her face.

[ Sorry if I haven't been posting much, school and homework is taking up my schedule. I hope to post the next chapter soon. Thanks for reading. ]

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now