•≫────≪•◦ ❈ Chapter Four •≫────≪•◦

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Y/N slightly felt like curling into a small ball, squealing at the same time. "Is something wrong?" Giyuu's deep, ocean-like eyes stared into her. How mesmerizing, you felt like drifting off into space. "Hello?" The pillar waved his hand in front of your face.

"W-Yeah!" You jerked yourself out of your thoughts, stammering.

"Caw Caw! Mission in the mountain! Caw! Caw!" A loud raven cawed, soaring off when we heard the message.

"Oh? A mission?" Sabito spoke up, raising his eyebrow.

"It seems like it," you answered, ready to travel to the mountains.

"Shall we go? We wouldn't want to waste time," both the boys said with a ice cold tone.

"Yes. Let's go." You replied, your voice matching freezing  weather.

You three reached the mountain after a day, not knowing that it would be too late. Before the sun fully rised, you heard a screech of agony. Alarmed, you quickened you your speed. Giyuu and Sabito did the same. Y/N saw from afar that a young boy with ruffled black hair and burgundy tips was carrying a bleeding girl, which you supposed was his sister, on his back. Something seemed weird about his sister. You narrowed your eyes until you realized that his sister was a demon. "That girl, she's a demon," you gestured to Giyuu and Sabito.

Giyuu widened his eyes but said nothing. He nodded while jumping down from the trees.

The girl with black hair and red-ish tips finally awoke her demon side. She pushed the boy away off the side of the mountain, standing up making a dangerous growling sound. Y/N was ready to jump down and aid the boy. The girl lunged at the frightened boy, pinning him down. You heard him yell, "Nezuko! Please! I'm your brother! I'll save you!"

Nezuko was pushed off by a strong force. You looked at where it came from and saw that it was Giyuu. You slightly relaxed, but not completely.

"Don't hurt Nezuko!" The boy turned to look at Giyuu, anger in his eyes. You could sense some hatred in his tone.

"Why are you still protecting her?" Giyuu asked with a cold voice, you too were a bit curious.

"She's my sister! She'll never hurt anyone!" The boy reasoned with the Water Pillar, not noticing that the demon girl was already lunging at them.

You were about to shout at Giyuu but he already noticed the demon. He grunted while hitting the demon on the neck. He grabbed the girl and pressed his elbow to her neck. Nezuko was fighting and growling, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Let her go!" The boy screamed, dashing at Giyuu with a axe. ( The axe appeared out of nowhere ) Y/N could tell that his voice was already raspy. Supposing that it was because of the yelling, you ignored it.

To be completely honest, you were shocked by the boys' performance. He sprinted behind the trees and threw his axe up into the sky. Then he went into Giyuu's range and pretended to charge at him with his axe, but really his hand was empty. Giyuu didn't notice his trick and used the curled side of his Kantana to hit the boy on his back. Before Giyuu knew it, the axe came flying toward him. It was a good thing he dodged it before it actually hit. This gave Nezuko a chance to get out of his grasp.

Again, you were ready to jump down and save the boy from his sister but something shocked you. The girl wasn't eating him but was protecting him. Even when the boy was unconscious and easy to kill, she didn't even glance back at him. Not even once. Y/N could see that Giyuu and Sabito was shocked too.

The girl unsteadily lunged at Giyuu but missed. "She's weak. She'll want to eat anyone she could get her hand on right now." You muttered to yourself, watching the fight. Interest sparked in your beautiful E/C eyes.

"It's a mystery why she didn't eat her brother yet. She should've devoured him by now." said Sabito. His orbs getting smaller.

"Don't be frightened. I'm sure Giyuu could handle this by himself. Don't you forget, he's a pillar." You glanced at the Water Pillar. Even you weren't sure if he would get a injury or not.

Nezuko almost landed a hit on Giyuu but he hit her the same way he hit her brother. The demon made a small gasp before falling down and fainting. The other two pillars jumped down from their positions on the tree and walked over to Giyuu. "You handled this situation pretty well." You praised, picking up the demon girl with her two hands.

"Ah, thank you." Smiling, Giyuu thanked her.

"Your welcome. May you please hand me a small piece of think bamboo and a red string?" You asked, holding out your hand. Sabito handed her a piece of bamboo and string. "Thank you," you turned around to smile at him. Sabito muttered something that you couldn't quite hear, but it seemed like he was thanking you.

"What's that for?" Sabito asked when you were done making something. It looked like a piece of decoration.

"It's a muzzle for Nezuko." You placed the gag in Nezuko's mouth, gently enough so that she doesn't wake. "It's so Nezuko won't taste human blood."

"Smart," Commented Giyuu. You thanked him, standing up and patting the snow off of your knees.

"Caw Caw! Y/N L/N! You have a mission at Tokyo! Caw! Caw!" Her raven annoyingly cawed.

"It seems like we must part ways now." You smiled sadly at the boys. They had the same facial expression as you.

You said your goodbyes to them and parted. Trudging along the snowy path, you headed to Tokyo, not knowing who you'll meet...

𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now