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Hongjoong's pov

"Do you like Mingi at all?" Seonghwa asked. I blushed softly and nodded.

"He seems like he would treat me well," I smiled. Seonghwa's smile seemed forced, but he smiled anyway.

"Then how about you two go on a date in the morning?" Seonghwa offered. I smiled wider and nodded.

"Shouldn't you have asked Mingi first if he even wants to go on a date with me?" I timidly looked down at our laced fingers.

"Baby, they all already know they like you. They would all be thrilled to find out you want to go on a date with them," Seonghwa caressed my cheek lovingly.

"Really?" I asked. Seonghwa nodded.

   "Are you absolutely sure you're okay with this?" I asked once again, not entirely sure if he was or wasn't.

   "I'm okay, baby, I promise. Just be happy, okay?" SeongHwa smiled. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck.

   "Thank you," I repeated over and over. SeongHwa smiled still and kissed my lips again.

   "No problem, baby. I would do anything to make you happy," SeongHwa claimed, his breath fanning over my lips. I smiled wider before kissing him again.

   "Okay, do you want to go ask Mingi?" SeongHwa asked, helping me stand up. I nodded and laced our fingers together again.

   "I'll take you to his room. If he isn't in there, it'll be okay for you to wait there until he is," SeongHwa claimed. I nodded my head and kissed his cheek. I knocked on Mingi's door, but heard no response.

   "Just go on in, and sit on his bed. Maybe don't snoop around or touch anything," SeongHwa offered some advice kindly. I nodded again and slowly entered the unfamiliar bedroom.

   I sat down on Mingi's bed and brought my legs up close to myself. I leaned my head down on my knees and soon fell asleep waiting on him.

   "Hongjoong, shouldn't you be in SeongHwa's room?" Mingi asked as he gently awoke me. I rubbed my tired eyes and shook my head.

   "I have something to ask... you..."I trailed off seeing him stood in front of me without a shirt on. I gulped and looked away quickly. My cheeks flushed red as I covered my eyes.

   "I'm sorry!" I apologized quickly. Mingi laughed lowly and ran his fingers through my hair. I soon uncovered my eyes and looked into his eyes. He smiled widely and kissed my forehead.

   "What did you need to ask me?" He asked. I smiled softly and looked away again.

   "Will you go on a date with me?" I asked softly. Mingi smiled widely and nodded happily.

   "Of course I will, Hongjoong!" Mingi exclaimed. I smiled widely and looked up at him again. My eyes soon trailed from his eyes down to his muscular chest, to his abs, all over his exposed chest and arms. All he wore was a towel around his waist.

   I realized what I was doing and apologized again. I hid my face in my knees embarrassedly. Mingi lifted my chin, making me look into his eyes again.

  "Hey, I don't mind it, Hongjoong. Look all you want," Mingi smirked, teasing me. I groaned and hid my face again. Mingi lightly gripped my chin and pulled my face away from my knees.

   "You don't have to be so shy, Hongjoong. I told you, I don't mind you looking at my body. I wouldn't even mind it if you wanted to feel it," Mingi teased me again. I whined and looked anywhere but at him. I felt my hand being raised by his to his abs. My eyes widened as he gently ran my hand over his defined stomach.

   "Woah," I mumbled softly, this time controlling my own hand as I gently trailed my fingers over his stomach and chest. Mingi laughed softly and kissed my hand that had been trailing over his smooth but scarred skin.

   "Like what you see?" Mingi asked. I nodded slowly and glanced into his eyes again. His eyes were dark and cloudy as they looked back at me.

   "Yeah," I spoke breathlessly. Mingi smiled and released my hand. He walked into his closet and shut the door behind him.

  A few minutes later, he came out in sweat pants instead of his towel. I smiled softly and stood up from his bed. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him close.

   "You're so cute," Mingi smiled, kissing my hair. I smiled against his bare chest before kissing it.

   "You're cuter," I smiled widely,looking up at him. This time I wasn't as shy as I looked at him. He smiled and led me back to the bed.

   "Do you want me to show you to SeongHwa's room or do you want to stay with me for the night?" Mingi asked. I shyly looked down and reached for his left hand.

   "I wanna stay with you," I grasped his hand softly. His hand was bigger than mine and held callouses on his palm. My hands were smaller and soft.

   "Alright, that's okay with me. Do you want something to wear?" Mingi asked. I nodded and asked for a shirt. He smiled and kissed my forehead again. He stood up from the bed and grabbed me a shirt to wear.

   "Do you want me to show you to the bathroom so you can change in privacy?" Mingi asked. I smiled and nodded.

   "Alright, here's the bathroom." Mingi led me outside of his room and down a couple doors. I took a mental note of where his room was and quickly changed in the bathroom.

   When I came out, I was face to face with an unfamiliar male. I pulled the shirt down even lower and smiled shyly.

  "Hi, I'm Hongjoong," I smiled. He smiled as well.

   "I'm Wooyoung, and may I say, Hongjoong, you look ravishingly handsome like this," Wooyoung smirked. I blushed and shook my head.

   "Can you please let me get back to Mingi?" I asked. Wooyoung's smirk fell.

   "You picked Mingi?" Wooyoung asked. I looked up at him confusedly.

   "What do you mean?" I asked.

   "If you're only wearing a shirt and are going back to Mingi, you must've had sex," Wooyoung claimed. I blushed darker and shook my head quickly.

   "We didn't have sex," I tried. Wooyoung scoffed and looked at me unsurprised.m

   "Sure you didn't," Wooyoung rolled his eyes. I looked down at my feet, knowing I'd never win this conversation. Wooyoung lifted my chin and looked into my eyes.

   "If you didn't, maybe I have a chance with you, cutie," Wooyoung smiled and tried to kiss my lips. I covered my mouth quickly and watched as his face flushed with anger.

  "Mingi!" I shouted, fear present in my voice. Mingi came out of his room quickly and saw our predicament.

   "Woo, leave him alone," Mingi pulled me to stand behind him. I hid behind him before running into his room. I hid under the blankets in a ball.

   I heard the door close before a weight dropped down on the bed beside me.

  "It's okay, Hongjoong, he's gone," Mingi gently pulled the blankets away from my face and smiled down at me reassuringly.

   "Wooyoung thought we had had sex. What does that mean? Do you guys think I'm an easy get?" I asked. Mingi shook his head quickly.

   "No, no! Not at all, Joongie. It's just that you are in one of my shirts with nothing but your underwear underneath it. He got the wrong message from that. I promise you we don't think you're an easy get," Mingi promised. I smiled and nodded.

   "Okay, can we sleep now?" I asked tiredly. Mingi nodded and climbed under the blankets with me. I cuddled into his muscular chest happily. Mingi smiled and kissed my forehead softly.

   "Goodnight, Joongie. Sleep well," Mingi smiled still, tightening his arms around my waist.

   "Goodnight Mingi! Sleep well," I smiled too and kissed his chest softly. We soon fell deep asleep in each other's arms.

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