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    Hongjoong's pov

   Once I finished eating, I waited for Taeyong to finish too. Soon enough, he finished eating abs stood up from the table.

   "Thank you, Taeyong," I thanked him as I stood up too. I followed him out of the kitchen and back into his bedroom.

   "Hongjoong, why did you want to come with me?" Taeyong asked softly as he sat down in a chair. I sat down on the bed and shrugged my head, not really wanting to give an answer.

   "Please tell me, Hongjoong," Taeyong pleaded as he looked at me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

   "I didn't want you guys to hurt Mingi, so I came with you without hassle. I didn't want to be apart from Mingi and Seonghwa, but I would rather have their guaranteed safety rather than their love. I just wanted them to be safe..." I explained. Taeyong sighed.

   "Well, I can tell you genuinely love Seonghwa, though I do not see why. Fine. I'll let you go back to Seonghwa and his group, but if they ever do anything you do not like then come back. You are welcome back at any time, Hongjoong," Taeyong sighed and stood up. He gently pulled me to stand.

   "You're really letting me go so soon? Why? It's not that I don't want to go back, but I'm curious," I asked as he held my hands.

   "No one likes being sheltered by people they don't want to shelter them. You clearly don't want to be with any of us, so you may go back to your loves," Taeyong smiled and kissed my cheek.

   "Thank you for caring so much about what I want, Taeyong. Thank you," I thanked him and allowed him to lead me away.

   He drove us all the way back to Seonghwa's estate. He gently took my hands before softly holding my chin with his right hand.

   "Thank you for being willing to give us a chance," taeyong thanked and pecked my lips. I was stunned.

   "Taeyong! That's cheating! You made me cheat on Seonghwa!" Tears rolled down my cheeks. I gently touched my lips and remembered the feeling of Taeyong's lips embracing my own. 

   "Do you want me to come in and explain it to him?" Taeyong asked quickly. I nodded my head as I cried harder. Taeyong unbuckled and jumped out of the car as I did.

   "Babe!" I sobbed as I opened the door. I heard a stampede of footsteps approaching me before seeing Seonghwa leading the other six males.

   They stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Taeyong behind me. I smiled softly seeing all of them for the first time in two days.

   "Hongjoong! Come over here, baby. We'll protect you!" Seonghwa exclaimed and waved me over.

   "I don't need protection from Taeyong. He's actually being really kind. He's letting me come back to you all. However, he kissed me on the lips and cheek and I feel as though I have cheated on you," I lowered my head shamefully.

   They all gasped and looked at Taeyong with glares on their faces. I looked up and saw them all getting their guns out.

  "Don't shoot him! Please," I begged as more scalding tears dropped down my cheeks. I stood in front of Taeyong and covered him to the best of my ability.

   "Baby, he caused you to cry. That's enough for us to want him dead," Seonghwa claimed and cocked his gun.

  "If you shoot him, I'll never forgive you. Any of you," I claimed as my tears ran dry. I wiped my cheeks and turned around to face Taeyong.

   "Go ahead and leave, Taeyong. I'll be fine- wait! What's your number?" I asked and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Taeyong typed his number into my phone and smiled softly. He caressed my cheek before leaving and shutting the door behind himself.

   "Baby, what was that?" Mingi asked as he stepped forward. I backed away as I noticed his gun now aimed at me.

   "He said if you guys ever did something bad to me that I could come to him-"

   "Oh so you're friends now? Wow," Seonghwa scoffed.

   "You know what? If you're all gonna just aim your guns at me and yell at me for getting myself out of my own kidnapping, fine. I'll leave with him again." I opened the door and found Taeyong opening his car door.

   I was quickly pulled back into the house. I squealed as I was pulled into a group hug.

   "We're sorry, love. We should've been more considerate and kind. We just didn't know if there would be any strings attached to you getting to come back to us," Seonghwa explained. I scoffed and pushed them off of me.

   "Hell yeah you should. I thought you guys would be happier to see me, but I guess not," I rolled my eyes.

   "Hongjoong, please don't act this way," Mingi asked.

  "No. I came into this house crying that taeyong had made me cheat on you guys, but all I got was seven guns aimed at my chest and face. I'm gonna act however the hell I want to!" I exclaimed. They all lowered their heads.

   "Why would he let you go so easily, baby? What did you have to give him?" Seonghwa asked. I shook my head.

   "Absolutely nothing. He saw that I was and am in love with your dumbass and so he brought me back. He didn't want to make me upset, but that's all you guys have done to me since I got back," I exploded. Seonghwa came up to me and deeply kissed my lips.

  "Let Mingi and I make it up to you-"

   "Sex isn't gonna fix this!" I shouted and back away from them. I scoffed and left the house, quickly climbing back into Taeyong's car.

   "Take me back." I demanded. Taeyong looked at me shocked.

  "Why? I thought you wanted to be with Seonghwa and his group again?" Taeyong asked.

   "I did. Now, I wanna be with you guys. Maybe you lot won't aim Guns at me abs act like sex will fix the fact that you almost shot me!" I exclaimed and grabbed fistfuls off my hair.  

  "They aimed their guns at you and acted like sex would make up For that? Assholes!" Taeyong shouted as he climbed out of the car. I watched as he stomped up to the house and slammed open the door. I couldn't hear a word he said, but it obviously made a difference in how Ateez would treat me.

  Seonghwa opened the car door and knelt down on the grass.

   "Baby, I didn't mean to upset you at all. I just don't know how else to remedy what I've done besides make love to you-"

   "You- you'd make love to me again?" I asked softly. Seonghwa nodded but sighed.

   "I'm sorry, baby, for upsetting you so much. I should've just been happy you're back. Please, don't go back to neo city. Ateez needs you- I need you," Seonghwa stressed and cried softly. I turned around in the seat and pulled Seonghwa to my chest.

  "I know you do, babe. I need you, too," I smiled softly as Seonghwa looked up at me. I gently rubbed his cheek before kissing his lips sweetly.

   "I love you, Seonghwa." I kissed him again.

   "I love you more, Hongjoong." Seonghwa smiled. I let Seonghwa stand up before climbing out of the car. I held his hand and looked up to him.

   "If your offer still stands, I'd really like it if you would make love to me like you did when we were first together," I blushed softly. Seonghwa's eyes darkened and he picked me up bridal style.

  "I've got it from here, Taeyong!" I claimed as Seonghwa carried me through the open door. Taeyong smiled and left.

   "I'm sorry I haven't been making love to you as often as I should," Seonghwa apologized as he hovered over me.

   "Just shut up and make love to me," I smiled teasingly and pulled him into another sweet kiss.

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