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    Hongjoong's pov

   I awoke in a room with Mingi, Yunho, and San. We had my bachelors party last night because the wedding is today.

   I woke up the other three men and we began to get dressed in our suits and done some light makeup to appear better in my wedding photos.

   Soon enough, it was time for me to walk down the aisle to meet Seonghwa. I smiled anxiously to myself, anxious to see the rest of Seonghwa's allies, but also anxious to mess up my written vows to my amazing future husband.

   The music began playing, signifying that it was time for me to walk down the aisle. I exhaled before I walked away from the tress that surrounded me, then walked down the stone and floral path of the forest.

   Tears of happiness slid down my cheeks as I looked into Seonghwa's eyes. He smiled softly as his own tears rushed down his cheeks.

   He truly does love me, doesn't he?

   Once I got up to the alter, Seonghwa and I held hands as we began to say our vows, Seonghwa going first.

   "Baby, I know how rough it has been to love me, but I truly do love you. You chose to look past my gang, past my reputation, and past my harsh external facade that I put up.

   I can't thank you enough for that. You've proven to me your love for me countless times, even giving yourself up to keep me from being hurt more or shot by The Boyz.

  You always care for me, even before knowing I was in a gang. You would always patch me up, never questioning where the wounds came from. You just knew I had something going on, but looked past it because you love me.

   Kim Hongjoong, thank you. I am so glad we are getting married. I love you more and more with each passing day," Seonghwa finished his vows with a tearful smile. His tears overflowed, rushing down his cheeks and dropping onto the ground.

   More tears slid down my cheeks as I listened to him. I hadn't known how much it meant to him that I looked past it all, but now I do.

  "Babe, thank you for coming into my life and trusting me to take care of you and your baggage. I know now how much it means to you that I looked past it all, but why wouldn't I?

   You're such a kind and caring man. You always looked out for me, even being willing to take a bullet for me. You would always take care of me during college when people were mean to me about not having friends or a family.

   Now, I have an amazing family thanks to you. You let me into your life, even letting me date your gang members as well as you. You knew I am polyamorous, but didn't really mind it.

  You have always loved me, and I have always loved you. From the moment I met you, I knew you'd be the one I'd walk down this aisle to. I love you, Park Seonghwa," I said my vows.

   We looked to the officiate to finalize our marriage.

   "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Park, you may kiss the groom." He smiled softly.

   Seonghwa gently lifted my chin and kissed my lips sweetly, pouring as much love into the kiss as possible. I kissed back, also pouring out my emotions into the kiss.

   Our tears mixed as our lips collided. I smiled softly into the kiss, causing Seonghwa to also smile. The smiles broke our kiss, so we pulled apart. Seonghwa pecked my forehead sweetly.

   "I love you, Park Hongjoong!" Seonghwa exclaimed happily. I squealed happily and kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

   "I love you, Park Seonghwa!"

   We walked back down the aisle hand in hand. Our friends and allies smiling widely at us.

   Once we were seated to begin our party, Taeyong walked up to us.

   "Congratulations, Hongjoong. Be happy with Seonghwa, alright? Take good care of him, Seonghwa," Taeyong said with a small smile.

  "I will!" Seonghwa and I said at the same time, causing us to look at each other and smile.

   Taeyong walked back to his table and began talking with some of our members.

   I laid my head on my husband's shoulder with a wide smile on my lips. I couldn't believe that we finally got married.

   I truly do love the man beside me. He has always put me first, even though we both know he should take better care of himself.

   "What are you thinking about, love?" Seonghwa asked and caressed my cheek.

   "Just about how happy I am we're married and how much I love you," I said happily. Seonghwa smiled down at me and kissed my lips.

   "I love you so much, hongjoong."

   Now this is the ending of this book! Thank you all for reading it!

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