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    Hongjoong's pov

  I finished cooking and made us all plates. I sat them down on the table and we began eating.

   "Hongjoong, this is amazing!" Mingi exclaimed from across the table. I smiled and thanked him. The other six males all nodded in agreement.

   "Hey, Mingi?" I asked after a while of eating. He hummed in response.

   "Can we go on another date today? Hopefully one I don't get kidnapped on," I laughed softly. Mingi's eyes widened as he nodded.

   "You'd actually want to go on another date after the one we went on before?" Mingi asked. I smiled and nodded.

   "Of course! Where do you want to go?" Mingi asked.

    "Can we go to the movies this time? I wanna watch the new Disney movie that just came out!" I exclaimed. Mingi smiled softly and nodded.

   "Absolutely. First, we need to get your clothes and belongings from your old apartment," Mingi said.

   "Okay, we can do that," I said happily and began picking up after myself and the other males who had already left. I still didn't know the name of the last male.

   "Who is the other guy? He never told me his name," I asked.

   "That's Jongho. It usually takes him a little bit to warm up to a new person, but he'll come around eventually," Seonghwa said as he helped me clean up.

   "Ah, okay. Should I talk to him before we go?" I asked. Mingi shrugged.

   "You can if you want to," he said. I nodded and finished cleaning with their help quickly.

   "Hwa, can you lead me to his room?" I asked as I dried my hands on a towel.

   "Sure," he kissed my cheek and led me to Jongho's room.

   "Jongho? It's HongJoong," I knocked on his door. The door soon opened to reveal said male. He had chocolate brown hair and matching shade eyes.

    "Hey," he smiled softly.

   "Can I come in? I wanna get to know you some," I asked. Jongho shook his head slowly.

   "Please, just let it all progress naturally. You can go ahead and get ready to go with Mingi," Jongho spoke softly. I nodded and walked away.

   I walked back to Mingi's room and knocked on the closed door. He opened the door and smiled down at me.

   "Hey, baby," he smiled still as I walked into his room.

   "Hey, babe," I smiled too and kissed his cheek.

   "Are you ready to go get your stuff?" He asked.

   "Yeah, let's go!" I smiled. Mingi took my hand and led me to his car.

We drove back to my apartment and began packing my things. We soon had all of my clothes and some specific items I wanted in boxes before loading them into the car.

   We drove it all back to our house and brought it into Seonghwa's room. We unpacked everything and left it all in Seonghwa's room.

   "Okay, are you ready for our date?" Mingi asked as he took my right hand in his left. I smiled and nodded.

   "Yes!" I exclaimed as we walked to Mingi's car. We buckled up and drove to the movie theater.

It was almost eight so we had to quickly buy our tickets and snacks. We did so and entered the viewing room just as quickly.

"Are you ready?" Mingi asked as we settled in. I smiled and nodded my head.

A while into the movie, I looked over and found Mingi sound asleep in the chair. I smiled and laughed softly before waking him up.

"Babe, if you didn't want to watch this movie with me we could've watched another! Do you wanna just head home and watch something on Netflix?" I asked. Mingi rubbed his eyes before nodding.

"Okay, let's go," I said as we walked out of the theater. We got back into his car and drove back home.

"Okay, let's watch something on Netflix!" Mingi smiled as we settled into his bed. I laid my head on his chest as he clicked play on another Disney movie.

Soon after the movie ended, I fell asleep on Mingi's chest. Mingi kissed my forehead and fell asleep also.

When we awoke next, Seonghwa was shaking us. I groaned and hid my face in Mingi's chest.

"No," I whined and pulled Mingi closer.

"Mingi, we need you. I've got a mission for you," Seonghwa claimed as he shook us still. I whined again and let go of Mingi.

"What's wrong?" Mingi asked as he sat up. Seonghwa sighed and rubbed his face.

"Seungmin still likes Hongjoong, so we've gotta end that." Seonghwa stated as he opened the curtains. I hid my eyes as they burned from the light.

"Why can't you just leave the boy be? He's not gonna hurt me or take me again, so what's the harm?" I asked.

"The harm is that he's outside our front door! He found out where we live because he's that into you! Tell him once and for all that you do not and will not love him, please?" Seonghwa asked. I nodded and stood up. I got dressed in Mingi's sweats and left to find Seungmin outside the front door just as Seonghwa said.

"Seungmin, no. Please leave me alone. I do not and will not love you- not now not ever," I said quickly. Seungmin's face dropped from the happy smile to a dismal glance.

"Why? I've been nothing but good to you, and you won't love me at all?" Seungmin asked softly. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, but no. I've got my lovers, and I do not need another right now," I said firmly. Seungmin nodded.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's okay, but could you not come here again? It makes the eight of us uncomfortable," I asked. Seungmin nodded and walked away.

"You handled that better than Mingi and I would have," Seonghwa spoke. I shrugged and nodded.

"You guys use violence as a first topic when you should try to talk things out before you fight and kill or whatever," I said.

"It's what keeps us alive," Seonghwa said. I nodded again but sighed.

"I really wish you guys wouldn't kill people, but I know it's part of what you do," I mumbled as the pair held me between themselves.

   "It is part of what we do, baby. We can't exactly stop now, not now that we're one of the strongest mafias in the country!" Seonghwa exclaimed. I nodded and kissed their cheeks.

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