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Hongjoong's pov

"Guys, why can't I marry Seonghwa? I'll still love and date you all," I mumbled as I stood in front of the seven of them. Mingi scoffed and tried to walk away. I grabbed him by his hand and gently laced our fingers together.

"Min, why are you being mean to me? I didn't do anything..." I mumbled again. Mingi turned around, his face angered.

"Hongjoong, you've picked favorites. That's why I'm being like this," Mingi stated and yanked our hands apart. I hugged him around his waist.

   Mingi pulled my arms away from his waist and reaches his hand up quickly. I flinched and backed up.

   "Joongie..." Mingi began tearfully. I looked up at him and dropped my arms from in front of my face.

   "I would never, ever, hit you, no matter how mad or upset I am, okay?" Mingi said softly. I nodded and wiped his fallen tears.

   "It's okay, Min. I know you wouldn't, but while I was at the orphanage a lot of things happened. That's why I flinched," I responded. Mingi looked at me questioningly.

   "Seonghwa, you tell them. I don't have the mental strength to," I sighed and walked back to Seonghwa's room.


   Seonghwa's pov

   "When Hongjoong was in the orphanage, he was abused," I confessed for Hongjoong. They all gasped.

   "That's why he flinches so much, and why he worries so much over you guys potentially hating him or hurting him. It takes a lot of effort out of him to trust others, but he's proving that to be easier with each time he trusts you all.

   "Yeosang, he trusted you to take care of of his wounds. Mingi, he trusted you enough to get emotionally vulnerable with you. He trusts you guys, but he still probably fears the day you all hurt him, or rather he fears the day we hurt him again." I finished. They looked at me confused.

   "We hurt him yesterday. We aimed our guns at him, and we yelled at him. We hurt him," I began to cry as I remembered that I had been hurting him by not showing him love as often as I used to.

   "Seonghwa," Wooyoung spoke softly and stood up to comfort the older male. Seonghwa gently pushed away the younger male and wiped his tears.

"Guys, he has already forgiven all of us. While he may not forget it, he has forgiven us," Seonghwa smiled softly.

"None of us knew he was abused..." Yeosang mumbled. Mingi nodded and wiped his fallen tears.

"I've gotta apologize to him," Seonghwa said and left the living room.

He entered his bedroom, but found no one in there. Hongjoong said he would be there, but he isn't there.

Seonghwa left to check in Mingi's room, and found both hongjoong and Mingi there. He smiled sadly and left them alone.

Hongjoong's pov

"Joongie, I know I already apologized once, but I feel terrible for making you flinch..." Mingi mumbled as more tears welled in his chocolate brown eyes. I gasped and wiped his tears as they fell.

  "Min, it's okay, I promise! I know now you weren't going to hit me," I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Mingi held my waist and sobbed into my neck.

   Mingi cried for half an hour before calming down finally. I smiled at him and puckered my lips.

   "I'm so sorry," Mingi whispered before kissing me sweetly. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his shoulders again. Mingi still held onto my waist, softly rubbing my waist.

   "Min?" I asked once we pulled apart. He hummed in response.

   "Are you still mad that I'm engaged to Hwa?" I asked softly, looking away from him. He sighed but kissed me again.

  "I know how much you love him, so I won't get in the way-"

"Min, he's allowing me to date all of you! You won't be in the way of anything!" I exclaimed. Mingi sighed and nodded.

"I love you Hongjoong. I just thought I would lose you if you marry Seonghwa," Mingi explained. I smiled softly and shook my head.

"The only way you would lose me is to hit me or cheat on me," I said. Mingi looked shocked.

"I would never cheat on you, or hit you," Mingi promised. I smiled softly and kissed him again.

   "I'm going to go ask Hwa if I can spend the night with you tonight," I said and separated our lips. Mingi smiled softly and nodded.

   "Alright, I'll be here waiting for you," Mingi kissed my hand and let me off of his bed.

   "Hwa, can I sleep with Mingi?" I asked as I entered his room. I found him crying in the middle of his bed.

   "Babe!" I exclaimed and hugged him tightly.

   "What's wrong?" I asked softly as I wiped his cheeks dry. He sighed and looked down at me.

   "I'm so sorry, baby, for everything..." Seonghwa apologized. I smiled softly and shook my head.

   "You don't have to apologize, babe. I understand," I said and kissed his lips. He kiss back and held me close to himself. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

   "You wanted to sleep with Mingi? Isn't it too soon?" Seonghwa asked. My cheeks flushed red.

   "Not in that way! Not yet anyway... anyway, can I spend the night in his bed?" I asked. Seonghwa wiped his cheeks and nodded.

   "In the morning you'll have to meet the rest of the boys and know their names at least," Seonghwa spoke as I stood up from the bed. I nodded and hugged him again before leaving to Mingi's room.

   "Min!" I smiled widely and hugged him around his waist. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

   "He's letting you stay with me?" Mingi asked. I nodded and smiled widely.

   "Alright, I'll find you a big t shirt," Mingi said and gently separated us. He walked into his closet and grabbed a black shirt that would reach my mid thighs.

   "Is this okay?" Mingi asked. I nodded and collected the shirt. I stood in the middle of the room before shrugging and taking off my shirt and jeans.

   "Wow, okay, hi, I'm still here," Mingi exclaimed and turned away from me. I laughed softly and pulled on the big shirt.

   "I know," I smiled and kissed his shoulder. He smiled at me and kissed my lips.

   "Okay, let's sleep," Mingi smiled still and gently pulled me to his large bed. I hopped onto it and Mingi pulled the blankets over us. I snuggled into his side and laid my head on his broad chest.

   "Thank you, Min," I thanked him and kissed his chest before falling asleep.

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