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    Hongjoong's pov

   "Babe, can we spend today together? I really miss being with you," I mumbled as we laid in bed together. Seonghwa smiled and rubbed my side.

   "Of course we can, baby! What do you want to do?" He asked then kissed my forehead. I smiled softly and kissed his chest.

   "Can we go to a cafe and get coffee and cake? I loved when we would do something cute like that," I spoke softly as I was held by my fiancé.

   "Absolutely! Let's get dressed, then we can go!" Seonghwa sat us up and helped me get dressed in some dark jeans and a light hoodie.

   "Okay, let's go!" I smiled widely as we walked out of his room. I guess it's our room now that I've moved in all the way.

"Boss, we've got trouble again," Jongho spoke as he walked towards us. I groaned and hid my face in Seonghwa's chest.

   "Who is it this time?" Seonghwa asked as he rubbed my hair.

   "It's The Boyz, they've found us," Jongho spoke as three males jogged towards us.

"Get him!" One shouted as the others nodded. I was pulled away from Seonghwa as the other two males began beating Seonghwa and Jongho up.

"Stop! Stop hurting them! I'll go with you just stop!" I sobbed as both my fiancé and a future friend were knelt on the ground with guns aimed at their heads. My hands were held behind my back tightly, zip ties keeping them together.

"You heard him," the male behind me laughed and led me out of our house and into a car. Silent tears raced down my cheeks as I left a house that felt like home.

"Hey, you'll be safe here. Please stop crying," the male that zip tied me smiled softly.

"Why? Why did you take me from the place I was safest- the place that felt like home?" I asked softly. The males in the car all sighed and looked dismal.

    "We wanted to know what it's like to have someone to keep us grounded..." the driver said as we drove farther and farther away from my home.

   "But why me? I'm not good enough- not even for Ateez, so why would I be good enough for you?" I asked as I looked down at my lap. They had thankfully buckled me in to keep me safe as they sped down the roads.

    "Honey, you're more than good enough. If Seonghwa put a ring on that finger you have to be amazing," the driver claimed as he pulled into a large house.

    "How did you know I'm engaged?" I asked softly. He smiled.

    "When Juyeon tied you up he noticed it. It's a beautiful ring, but you'll have to take it off when you're with us," he said. I shook my head.

   "I don't want to take it off! Why do I have to?" I asked. He smiled sadly.

    "We want to love you, Hongjoong. Why can't you understand that?" He asked as the male I now knew as Juyeon unbuckled me and helped me out of the car.

   "Because I already love Seonghwa and Mingi! I can't go back on that- not when I almost lost Mingi!" I exclaimed. They looked confused but Juyeon cut off my zip ties. I rubbed my sore wrists and began to explain.

   "When I got engaged to Seonghwa, Mingi got anxious that I wouldn't love him or any of the rest of ateez. It wasn't until Seonghwa explained what I had been through that they understood why it's so hard for me to trust people,"

   "Wait, why is it so hard to trust people? Who hurt you?" The driver from before asked. I laughed dryly and shook my head.

   "I was abused as a kid and teen in foster care. It wasn't until the fire happened that I could finally escape at eighteen. I've had abusive lovers as well. Happy to know that?" I scoffed and looked at how red my wrists were. I glanced back up at the twelve of them and noticed shocked or horrified faces.

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