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Hongjoong's pov

"Since I met him, I've never had any feelings for him, but he seems to love me. What do I do?" Yeosang asked Seonghwa as they sat at the table as a group without me. I stood behind the wall listening to them.

"Let him down easy, Yeo. He's fragile, so don't hurt him, okay? He can't handle any more hurt," Seonghwa spoke softly. I almost didn't hear him.

"I can't hurt him, Hwa. What should I do?" Yeosang asked. I stepped in the room.

"You could talk to me instead, Yeosang." I opened the fridge as tears slid down my face. I hadn't known Yeosang for long, but I was quickly catching feelings for the younger male.

"Hongjoong! How long were you listening?" Yeosang asked, panicking slightly. I sighed and pulled out the breakfast I desired.

"Way too long, apparently." I scoffed and sat the foods down. I lost my appetite.

"Seonghwa, please cook for your members. I can't stomach anything right now," I spoke softly, walking back to our room.

I sat in fetal position on my bed. I had my own room, but I was almost never in it.


"No, babe. I should've known I wasn't good enough for all seven of you. I should've known at least one of you wouldn't like me back."

"Baby, it's okay-"

"It's not okay, babe! I really like Yeosang, maybe even love him, but he doesn't even have any feelings for me anymore. I don't know how I'll get over him," I cried softly as Seonghwa wrapped his arms around me. I uncurled myself and latched onto him like a koala.

"I don't know what to say, baby. I've never seen you so torn up over a relationship," Seonghwa tried to soothe me by rubbing my back.

"I'll be okay, I have to be," I said and stood up from the bed. I pulled Seonghwa into the kitchen and began cooking. I cooked us a delicious breakfast before plating it and serving it.

"It should be good, but I never cook as well when I'm upset," I mumbled and left. I heard as a chair scooted out and footsteps followed me.

I walked back to my room and just laid in my bed. I looked up and saw Yeosang standing above me.

"Can I sit and talk to you?" He asked. I nodded and scooted over a little.

"Hongjoong, it just takes me a little while to catch feelings for people. After Johnny left me to join ncity I had no idea what to do. He broke my heart and took it with him. He has long since moved on and found another person, but I still can't get over him. I'm sorry, Hongjoong, I truly am, but I cannot love you while my heart still yearns for another. It wouldn't be right to you," Yeosang explained. I nodded my head silently.

"It's okay, Yeosang. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions," I apologized. Yeosang smiled softly and caressed my hair.

"It's okay, Hongjoong. Sleep well," Yeosang smiled softly and left me alone. I waited a while before Mingi came in my room.

"Do you wanna take a nap, baby?" Mingi asked as he laid down beside me. I nodded and laid my head on his chest. He held me sweetly, closely. I smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

When I awoke next, Seonghwa was also in bed with us. I was being held by both of them at once. I smiled and felt loved by the two holding me.

"I love you guys," I whispered and fell back asleep, warmed by the two bodies pressed against me.

When I awoke for the third time that day, they were both gone. I left my room and searched for them all. I found them in a meeting with Ncity.

   "Guys?" I asked softly as I opened the door. They continued talking amongst themselves.

    "We can combine our groups, then Hongjoong will never be without us!" Taeyong said. Seonghwa shook his head.

    "I don't want to join groups with you! We're stronger than you!" Seonghwa exclaimed.

    "Guys!" I said a little louder.

    "Seonghwa, Hongjoong enjoys being with us as well! Why would you want him to only see us when a problem arises?" Taeyong asked.

   "Guys!" I shouted. Every head in the room turned to me in the doorway.

    "Yes?" Seonghwa asked as he crossed the room to hug me.

   "Why are you arguing? Why can't you just combine groups?" I asked as I laid my head on his shoulder.

   "Because I don't want them to be as strong as we are! They might overtake us!" Seonghwa said.

   "If you're one group then no one can take out the other. I think it's a good idea, babe. I wouldn't mind having Taeyong and his group around. They seem to really care for me, so I don't think they would jeopardize me to overtake you," I spoke up after a moment of silence.

    "He's right, Seonghwa. We all care for Hongjoong and wouldn't want to lose him," Taeyong smiled and hugged me. I hugged back happily.

   "Wouldn't it be safer to have more members in the group? And wouldn't it be better to have one less enemy?" I asked. Seonghwa nodded.

   "You're right, baby. We'll do it!" Seonghwa exclaimed. Taeyong nodded his head and they shook hands.


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