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   Hongjoong's pov

I awoke the next morning in Mingi's strong arms. He held me close to his chest and had his nose in my hair.

I bet I don't smell so good. I haven't had a chance to shower in three days, so I probably stink.

I slowly unraveled Mingi's arms from my waist and stood up. I figured I could change back into these clothes Mingi gave me after I shower. I can ask for more clothes when he wakes up.

   I quickly took a shower, groaning when water hit my stab wounds. I knew it had to be done so I could be clean. I would have to go visit Yeosang when I'm done showering so he can help me dress my wounds.

   I opened the door and was face to face with an unknown male. This male was taller than me and had blue hair.

   "Hi, I'm Hongjoong!" I smiled widely, holding my hand out for a handshake. He shook my hand and smiled softly.

   "I'm Yunho," he claimed. I nodded and tried to go past him, but he moved the same way. This continued until I told him to stay still so I could go around him. He softly caressed my hair before going into the bathroom.

   "He was nice," I mumbled softly as I entered Yeosang's medical room. He smiled softly and helped me sit down on a bed.

   "Do you need me to dress your wounds?" He asked. I nodded shyly. He smiled widely.

   "You don't have to be so shy, Hongjoong. I won't bite- not hard anyway," he laughed cutely at his own joke. I smiled at him and laughed softly, trying not to hurt my stab wounds.

   "Okay," I smiled still and allowed him to apply a cream and some bandages to my side. I grimaced as he pushed too hard on my side. He apologized and began going slower.

   "So I heard you're going on a date with Mingi?" Yeosang questioned. I nodded my head.

  "Yeah, we're gonna go today, actually. We have nothing planned, but I still think it'll be fun!" I smiled again. Yeosang smiled as well and nodded.

   "Mingi is really good at planning dates quickly. It's sure to be a good time," Yeosang claimed. I thanked him for dressing my wounds and left the room.

   I entered Mingi's room and found him still asleep, drool going down his chin. I giggled and sat down beside him. I gently shook his shoulder, saying his name.

   "Mingi, wake up," I kissed his forehead softly. He smiled up at me and ran a hand through my still damp hair.

   "Do you want some cleaner clothes to wear?" He asked.

   "If you don't mind," I mumbled, looking down shyly. Mingi lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. 

   "Hey, you don't have to be so shy, Joongie. If you ever want my clothes, for any reason, they're in that closet. Go ahead and pick out what you want us to wear," Mingi smiled softly. I nodded happily and entered his huge closet.

   I picked out his smallest hoodie and a pair of sweat pants that I thought would fit me. I grabbed similar clothes for him and handed them to him.

   "Where do you want to go on our date?" Mingi asked. I shrugged.

   "I don't mind where we go, but I am kind of hungry," I stated. Mingi nodded and accepted the clothes. I walked out of his room and back into the bathroom to change into the clothes.

  When I came out, SeongHwa was standing beside the door. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

   "Hey, babe," I smiled wider seeing a small smile form on his rosy lips. He kissed my lips sweetly before responding.

  "Hi, baby. Are you ready for your date?" He asked. I nodded happily, my smile never fading.

   "Yeah! I have no idea where we're going or what we will do, but I'm excited!"

   "That's good! I hope you'll be happy with Mingi as well as with me," SeongHwa said.

   "I think I will!" I responded. He kissed my lips one last time before leaving me alone. I smiled softly and entered Mingi's room again.

   "Are you ready, Joongie?" He asked, looking up from his phone. I nodded happily and laced our fingers together. He softly rubbed my thumb with his before kissing my hand.

   "Let's go," Mingi smiled and swung our hands as we left.

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