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     Hongjoong's pov

   The next morning, I happily awoke in my boyfriend's arms. His strong arms pulled me back into his chest by my waist. I smiled happily for the first time in what felt like ages.

   "Good morning, baby," Seonghwa's morning voice greeted me as he kissed my shoulder. I rolled around in his arms and kissed his lips.

   "Good morning, babe!" I smiled widely as Seonghwa rubbed our noses together. Seonghwa took notice of how happy I was.

   "Are you really that happy because we made love?" Seonghwa asked softly. I knew he didn't mean the question to come across as rude, but it kind of did.

   "Yes, why? Didn't you realize how happy I was even in the moments of love?" I asked back. Seonghwa looked pained as he looked down at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked yet another question. Seonghwa gently caressed my cheek before kissing my forehead.

"I'm sorry that I didn't realize that not making love to you would make you sad," Seonghwa apologized as tears welled in his eyes. He always hated when he hurt me.

"Babe, it's okay. I understand now that you didn't have the time to make love because you're in a mafia. I know that that takes a lot of your time and abilities," I smiled softly at him. A tear dropped down his cheek. I gasped and wiped it away.

"Babe, please calm down. I know you didn't-"

"Baby, I'm so sorry," Seonghwa started crying fully now as he pulled me closer to himself.

"It's okay, babe. I promise!" I smiled still as I held my boyfriend. Seonghwa quickly reached into his bedside drawer and pulled out a small box.

"I know this is sudden, love, but I need you to know that I truly do cherish and love you," Seonghwa began as he sat up, the small box in hand.

I sat up as well and looked at him slightly confused before it clicked in my mind. He was proposing to me.



"You go first, baby," Seonghwa said as he looked into my eyes.

"I know you love and cherish me, babe. While I love the idea of getting married, our wedding shouldn't be a priority until you're completely sure it's safe." I spoke softly as I messed with the blankets.

"Baby, you have to realize that nothing is ever completely safe. No where is safe anymore, especially not with the world acting as it is. If it'll make you feel better, I can have more of our allies come to the wedding to make sure it's safe for us." Seonghwa said. I nodded my head.

"Okay, back to what I was trying to say. The past few years with you have been the best of my life. I always knew you would be the one I spent my life with when I first saw you during our freshman year of college. I'm still sorry you had to drop out to take care of me, but at least we're still going strong.

"I always knew I could come to you with my issues and problems and not be judged. I always knew your love for me is true, and so is mine for you. Hongjoong, will you marry me?" Seonghwa asked as he opened the ring box.

Inside was a beautiful morganite engagement ring.

Tears welled in my eyes

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Tears welled in my eyes. He even knew my favorite stone? I hugged Seonghwa quickly and cried into his neck.

    "Baby, are you okay?" Seonghwa asked as he gently rubbed my back. I sniffled and pulled away from his neck.

   "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just really happy," I explained through my tears.

   "Well?" Seonghwa asked. I held out my left hand.

   "Yes!" I exclaimed. Seonghwa slid the ring onto my finger before kissing me sweetly.

   "I love you so much," we both said once we separated before we laughed. I smiled widely as I admired the ring on my finger.

   "You know what this means now right?" I asked teasingly. Seonghwa shrugged.

  "This means you can't keep living so dangerously! I love you and don't want you hurt," I smiled softly. Seonghwa's eyes widened.

   "Baby, you know my entire life is this gang, right? I can't just end things so easily," Seonghwa claimed quickly. I lowered my head.

   "Fine, I'll try my best to keep our group calm and less dangerous," Seonghwa said. I smiled widely and hugged him again.

   "Thank you," I smiled still and kissed his cheek. We heard a knock on the bedroom door.

   "Yeah?" Seonghwa asked as the door opened. Mingi peeked his head in before covering his eyes.

   "You didn't tell me you guys are naked!" Mingi exclaimed. I looked down and realized the blankets had fallen away from us.

   "Oh my god!" I shouted and quickly covered us up. Seonghwa made sure we were completely covered before talking.

   "What did you need, Mingi?" He asked as he put the box back into his drawer.

   "I just heard a lot of loud voices and wondered what was happening so early in the morning," Mingi said softly. I smiled and motioned him to come into the room.

   "We're okay, Min. We're great, actually," I said.

   "Then why was there so much screaming and crying?" Mingi asked. I wiped my cheeks dry before showing him the engagement ring.

   "Seonghwa proposed to me!" I exclaimed. Mingi looked a little hurt, but smiled regardless.

   "That's great, love. I hope you're happy," Mingi smiled still. I nodded and leaned my head on Seonghwa's shoulder.

   "Does this mean you won't even try to love the rest of us?" Mingi asked softly. I looked at Seonghwa.

   "Baby, it's up to you," Seonghwa smiled softly and kissed my forehead.

  "No, Min, it doesn't mean I won't love the rest of you. It just means I'm getting married to one of you,"  I said.

   "But how is that any fair to the rest of us?" Mingi asked. I looked down at the blankets.

   "Mingi, don't pressure him! He was and is my boyfriend, now my fiancé. He has always dreamed of us getting married, so I'm making that dream a reality. He will still love you all, but be married to me." Seonghwa spoke sternly, leaving no room for questions.

   "I'm sorry, Mingi, but Seonghwa has been-" Mingi stormed out of the room and shut the door behind himself.

   "Does he hate me?" I asked softly as tears welled in my eyes. Seonghwa sighed and pulled me to himself.

   "He doesn't hate you, baby. He's just a little upset that you're picking favorites," Seonghwa said. Tears slipped down my cheeks.

   "I didn't mean to..." I mumbled as I cried. Seonghwa nodded and held me close.

  "It's okay, baby. He'll come around," Seonghwa sighed. I looked up and Yeosang was at the door this time.

   "Are you really getting married to Seonghwa?" Yeosang asked quietly. I sobbed harshly and covered my face.

   "Hey, it's okay if you are, Hongjoong. Mingi is just being jealous," Yeosang smiled softly and kissed my forehead before walking back out of Seonghwa's bedroom.

   "I feel bad," I sobbed as Seonghwa held me. Seonghwa sighed and kissed my head.

   "It'll be okay, baby. They'll understand," Seonghwa said. I nodded and wiped my tears.

   "I'm sorry-"

   "You don't have to apologize, love." Seonghwa smiled and kissed my cheek.


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