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    Hongjoong's POV

   I stepped out of Taeyong's bathroom and smiled softly. The clothes fit me well enough.

   "Wow, he really is cute," Mark comments as he walks towards me. He lifts my hand and kisses the top of it. I remembered when Mingi did it and felt saddened.

  "Thank you," I sighed but smiled anyway. I was going to make the best out of this month. If I was to be stuck with twenty three attractive men, I will make the best out of this odd situation.

   "Are you okay?" Mark asked. I nodded and smiled still.

   "I'm fine," I lied. Mark nods and leaves the room. Taeyong looks at me and smiles sweetly.

   "Come on, let's go eat breakfast, Hongjoong," Taeyong smiles still and reaches for my hand. I allowed it, thinking that if I played along, maybe I could go sooner.

Seonghwa's POV

"We have to get him back!" I shouted, slamming my hands down on the table. The contents of the table bounced up slightly from the force.

"Seonghwa, maybe we should listen-"

"No! He has been kidnapped! He doesn't know what he wants anymore!" I shouted again. Mingi looked at me, his cheeks still tear streaked.

"Seonghwa, Hongjoong told us not to look for him. We have to listen to him. Would you want us to look for you if it could risk the lives of the guys who love you?" Mingi asked. I let my head and tears drop.

"Mingi, he's the love of my life. He's gonna be the father of our children. He's the reason I get out of bed each morning! I can't lose him to NCT!" I sobbed loudly as my body shook.

I hated that hongjoong would go with NCT instead of trying to run away from them. I hated that he could be getting tortured the whole time he's with NCT. I hated that I let him go on a date with Mingi. I hated that I even let him and Mingi talk. I hated that I let him live with me.

I should've listened to my gut and not robbed that convenience store. I should've, I should've, I should've. But I didn't. I didn't listen to my gut, and now Hongjoong is gone from my arms.

Hongjoong's pov

"What do you want for breakfast, Hongjoong?" Taeyong asked as he opened the fridge. I gave it a little thought and shrugged.

"Is an omelette okay? I don't really cook much anymore so I'm afraid my cooking skills are rusty," Taeyong spoke sheepishly. I smiled softly and nodded.

"That's okay, I can help you come to cook more often! I love cooking," I claimed as I watched Taeyong crack an egg into a bowl.

"That would be nice, thank you," Taeyong smiled too and continued cooking.

While he cooked, a comfortable silence filled the kitchen. I had no idea how I was so comfortable with NCT, but I was enjoying it. They seemed like nice guys.

"Taeyong, are we allowed to sleep with Hongjoong?" A pinkette asked as he entered the room. I raised my right eyebrow at him.

"I think I'm a little too old for you, Pinkie." I laughed softly. The pinkette's cheeks flushed the same shade as his hair.

"My name is Jaemin, and I'm twenty one years old," Jaemin claimed. I smiled softly.

  "I'm twenty five. You're still not old enough to sleep with me," I said. Jaemin looked at me as his cheeks darkened.

   "I mean sleep, sleep with you, not sex sleep with you, Hongjoong. Why was that your first thought?" Jaemin asked teasingly. I smiled softly and reached up to pinch his cheeks.

   "I couldn't be too sure which one you meant, Jaemin, but if you mean only sleep, then it's whenever you want me to," I smiled wider as I noticed his eyes light up. He nodded his head and sat down beside me.

  "Could you sleep with me tonight?" Jaemin asked. A pair of males entered the room as Jaemin spoke.

   "Babe, you can't just add someone else into our relationship without asking," the male with black hair and an eye smile teased Jaemin. They both sat down to the right of Jaemin.

   "Jeno," Jaemin whined. I took note that his name was Jeno.

   "If you don't mind me asking, are you three in a relationship already?" I asked softly. They smiled and nodded.

   "Yes we are!" The shortest male smiled widely and kissed Jeno and Jaemin on the cheek.

   "Aww that's so cute!" I smiled sadly as I remembered Mingi and Seonghwa who were probably worried sick about me being with Neo City.

   "Are you okay? You look sad," a young looking male asked as he sat across from me. I faked a brighter smile and nodded.

  "I'm fine! Don't worry about me," I smiled still until he smiled too.

   "My name is Jisung. And the green haired male beside me is my boyfriend, Chenle," Jisung laced their hands together and kissed Chenle's cheek.

   "Aww, you're cute together also!" I exclaimed. They thanked me as Taeyong slid plates of omelettes in front of us. I smiled and thanked the red haired male and began eating.

  "It's no problem, Hongjoong. If you don't feel like cooking, come get one of us, and we will cook for you happily," Taeyong claimed and glanced at the other boys at the table, who nodded.

   "Thank you," I thanked them and continued eating.

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