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   Hongjoong's pov

   I soon awoke in a hospital room. My nose burned with the scents of cleaners and sanitizers. My tired eyes scanned the room for anyone- SeongHwa, Bang Chan, Fire boy, anyone. No one was in the room with me.

   "Where-" I coughed as my throat was as dry as sand. I drank some water from the table beside me and pressed the nurse button on my bed. Soon, a nurse came in, an envelope in hand.

   "I was told to give you this as soon as you awoke. I'll check your vitals as you read," he spoke kindly. I nodded my head an shakily opened it. Tear stains were on the bottom of the page.


      I'm sorry, but I now know I cannot keep you safe as I once could. I must leave you alone so as not to ruin your life or even be the causation of your life ending. Know I truly do love you, and wish for the best.

   Go to college, get married, have kids. Live life as you wanted to before I came into it. Live life as though you never met me.

    I will always love you,


   I looked the nurse in the eyes.

   "Discharge me. I feel fine." I demanded softly. He shook his head.

  "You've been stabbed just two days ago. You can't leave for another five days." He wrote something down on a piece of paper.

   "I studied medicine in college until I was taken away from classes. If you do not remove the IV from my arm, I will do it myself." I neared my right hand to the needle in my left arm.

   "I'll go get the papers," he sighed and left the room. I smiled proudly and waited until my IV was removed. I smiled thankfully and left the hospital with SeongHwa's note in hand.

   "I will find you again." I walked from the hospital to my house, the pain in my side always present but numb slightly.

   I entered our house and found all of his belongings gone. His clothes? Gone. His cologne he bought two years ago because I said it smelled nice? Gone. Seonghwa himself? Gone!

   SeongHwa's Words resonated through my mind.

   "No one can be hidden forever." He had said once. I remember it vividly. He and I had had a fight, causing me to flee our house to go to Seungmin's.

   I knew of only one way to get near a gang; drug dealing. I smirked as I took a hundred from my savings on our bedroom and left the house once more.

   I found an alley and waited until midnight came. Soon, a dealer walked in. He had familiar red hair causing me to smile widely. His eyes were dark as they looked down at me. I wore a mask to protect my identity.

   "How much do I owe you?" I asked, changing my voice slightly.

   "You ordered twelve ecstasy pills right? One hundred." Fire boy claimed. I nodded and handed him the money. I collected the bag of pills and stuffed them in my hoodie pocket.

   "So Fire boy, when will you tell Seonghwa to get his ass back to me? I need him," I asked, dropping my fake voice. He looked at me shocked and yanked my mask away from my face.

   "SeongHwa is gonna kill me!" He exclaimed. I smiled and shook my head.

   "Take me with you and he won't. I'll make sure of it," I bargained. He sighed and nodded.

   "We all had special orders to not sell to you or even go near you-"

   "What I do to my body is my choice. I will do whatever I Please," I scoffed.

   "Besides, he knows he can't live without me. I can't live without him either," I smiled softly as I began limping from the pain in my side. Fire boy looked at me worriedly.

   "Hey, climb onto my back. I'll carry you the rest of the way," he claimed. I nodded and climbed onto his back. He looked at me confused but continued walking. I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

    "You're awfully light. Are you healthy?" He asked after a short while. I smiled softly.

   "I'm a healthy weight. Maybe you're just stronger than you think," I asked. He shrugged and asked me to open the door once we reached a house.

  I hid my face from the people in the living room. No one noticed as Fire boy carried me into an office of sorts.

  "Boss, I told you so," Fire boy claimed as he sat me down in a chair. I was breathing heavy, clutching my side. I looked down at my palm and saw it stained red. I shakily looked up at SeongHwa and smiled softly through the unbearable pain.

   "You know you can't get rid of me..." I stated as SeongHwa worriedly jumped up from his seat. He called for someone named Yeosang, who then came running in the opened door.

   "Take care of his wounds, please," SeongHwa begged the shorter male. Yeosang nodded his head and helped me stand up. He threw my arm over his shoulder and led me into a medical room.

   "This is gonna sting," Yeosang sighed as he noticed the blood trying to clot to the bandages. I groaned and screamed softly as he pulled the bandages away from my stab wounds.

   Soon enough, fresh bandages were wrapped around my waist and the wounds were properly cleaned once again. I smiled at him.

   "How long have you studied medicine?" I asked. Yeosang smiled softly.

   "I haven't studied it. This is what I've learned from google," Yeosang confides. I gasped and shook him lightly.

   "I can teach you proper medicine! I was studying to be a doctor until SeongHwa came into my life," I smiled, hoping I could make friends with the smaller male.

   "No, Hongjoong. You're going home and you're staying there," SeongHwa claimed as he entered the room.

   "Not without you- I'm not," I stood up to him physically. He smiled softly and laughed.

  "You will go home before you are killed."

   "Who will kill me?" I asked, my voice unwavering. SeongHwa smirked.

   "The rival gangs. They want to find my weakness so they can overthrow Ateez. I won't let-"

   "I already have been hurt, but look at me! I'm fine enough to walk around and live life. I love you, Park SeongHwa. Remember the days we fantasized about me becoming a Park? Remember the days we imagined mini us running around the apartment? I know you love me just as much as I love you. Don't make me go away from you. Please," I begged, my eyes welling with tears as I imagined him kicking me out of this house.

   "Don't cry, baby. Those days will come.... eventually. But for now, you must stay safe. Safety is anywhere but here. You've always loved America, how about I book you plane tickets so you can visit for a few years?" SeongHwa said. I shook my head and laced our fingers together.

   "Whatever we do, we do together, Babe. That's how we've gotten through life this far. Let's not change it up now," I smiled and kissed his lips. He kissed back happily, his hands gently holding my waist. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Yeosang coughed behind us, causing my cheeks to tint red.

   "Sorry, Yeosang.." I apologized. Yeosang waved it off and shooed us out of his medical room.

   "Go home, baby. Please?" SeongHwa asked. I shook my head and held up my left hand.

  "See this ring? This ring was a promise of our love and devotion to one another. We are not separating," I exclaimed. SeongHwa sighed with a small smile.

"You're using my love against me," SeongHwa laughed. I smiled and hugged him softly.
   "Please don't make me leave. I want to be with you," I begged. SeongHwa sighed again and nodded.

   "Fine, but you're never allowed to go on missions!" SeongHwa exclaimed. I squealed before kissing him again.

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