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     Hongjoong's pov

   The next morning, I awoke with Mingi's arms around my waist securely. I smiled and rolled around to face him. I gently traced over his facial features as I looked at him.

   As I traced my fingers around his Cupid's bow, he kissed my fingers. My eyes widened as I gasped. I didn't expect him to wake up from such a light touch.

   "Good morning!" I smiled shyly and rolled back away from Mingi, my cheeks red with embarrassment.

   "Good morning, love. How did you sleep?" Mingi asked as he kissed my shoulder.

   "I slept pretty well. I seem to always sleep well when I'm with you," I smiled as he continued to kiss my skin.

   Mingi gently pulled me to face him. He smiled softly down at me. He kissed my lips sweetly.

   "What about our morning breath?" I asked softly, covering my mouth. Mingi jokingly rolled his eyes and laughed.

  "As long as you don't mind mine, it's okay. I don't mind your morning breath at all," Mingi smiled. I nodded and kissed him again. Mingi smiled into the kiss and pulled me to his chest.

   I smiled softly and snuggled my face into the side of his neck. Mingi's eyes widened.

   "What? Did I do something wrong?" I asked quickly. Mingi shook his head and smiled softly.

   "No, no, it's just that my neck is a turn on spot for me," Mingi said softly. I smiled softly and leaned in to his neck. I pecked the smooth, tan skin of his neck softly.

   "Hongjoong, you'd better be careful," Mingi teased. I smiled and kissed his neck again. Mingi growled playfully and flipped us so he was hovering above me.

   "Are you sure about this? What do you want to do?" Mingi asked.

   "Maybe not all the way just yet..." I mumbled shyly, glancing away from Mingi's face. Mingi gently turned my face to look at him.

"Baby, what are you comfortable with me doing? What are you okay with?" Mingi asked. I blushed darker.

"It's whatever you're okay with. We don't even have to do anything if you don't want to..." I mumbled shyly. Mingi looked at me sadly.

"Baby, you can tell me what you want, and I'll do it, okay? What do you want me to do?" Mingi asked softly, his mouth near my ear. I shivered from his warm breath on my ear and neck.

"I don't know, babe," I whispered from our close proximity. Mingi smiled softly and kissed my cheek before sitting beside me.

"Why aren't you doing anything?" I asked, visibly shocked. Mingi caressed my hair gently.

"I know you, Hongjoong. You aren't ready for anything from me yet, and I'll respect that," Mingi said and smiled at me. I smiled widely and hugged him tightly around his shoulders.

"Im sorry for causing a small problem, then not letting you do anything to fix it," I apologized. Mingi waved it off and kissed my cheeks.

"It's okay, baby. Don't worry about me," Mingi smiled. I smiled too and kissed his lips.

"Mingi?" I asked softly as I laid my head on his shoulder.


"What are the other five guys like? I know one of them was a little too touchy for me not to know him, but the tall one with light blue hair seemed really nice," I asked. Mingi pulled me to stand up from his bed.

"I guess you'll just have to meet them to find out!" Mingi smiled and walked into his closet. He grabbed me a pair of sweatpants and himself an outfit.

I pulled on the black sweatpants and tied the string tightly. Mingi got dressed and led me into the kitchen.

   "Hi," I smiled and waved shyly. They all gasped and looked at me.

   "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked softly and wiped at my face.

   "No, no, it's just your beauty is immeasurable," a male flirts as he kissed my hand. I blushed softly as I asked him his name.

"San, but you can call me yours," San smiled softly. I smiled softly and looked up at Mingi. I giggled softly and kissed his hand in return.

"I'm Hongjoong!" I exclaimed as I looked around the room of unfamiliar faces until I found SeongHwa and Mingi stood beside each other. The unfamiliar males all smiled at me.

"We've met before, but I never told you my name. My name is Yunho," the male with light blue hair took my hand next. He laced our fingers together and pulled me to sit beside him at the kitchen table.

"What are we having?" I asked as I looked at the table. The table was empty and nothing was cooked, so I stood back up.

"Can I cook?" I asked softly as I looked at SeongHwa. He nodded and smiled widely. I quickly opened the fridge and freezer and began looking for the eggs, bacon, and sausage. I found them and placed them on the counter. I looked into the cabinets and found pancake mix.

"Wait, you know how to cook?" Another male asked. I stiffened up noticing it was wooyoung, who had thought I had slept with Mingi.

"Wooyoung, you've made him uncomfortable-"

"Wooyoung, what did you do?" SeongHwa cut Mingi off quickly. I waved it off and began cooking.

   "Yeah, I've always known how to. I was taught to be independent from a young age, so I never really had a problem cooking for myself," I smiled softly and began frying the bacon and sausage in two pans.

"HongJoong, what did wooyoung do to you to make you act like that?" Seonghwa asked as he came to wrap his arms around my waist.

"He thought I had slept with Mingi, and tried to kiss me..." I mumbled. I never wanted to lie to Seonghwa, so I told him the truth.


   "I'm okay, babe. Calm down," I spoke softly and held his hands. He smiled softly and kissed my cheek before pulling away to glare at Wooyoung.

   "What?" Wooyoung asked, crossing his arms. Seonghwa continued to glare him down until I kissed his lips.

   "Calm down, love. I'm okay," I smiled at him. He smiled too and kissed me again.


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