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    Hongjoon's pov

  Running. Sprinting. Mingi was at my side, firing round after round as we were chased.

"Don't ever look back, Joongie! Keep going, I'll find you when it's safe!" Mingi shouted. I shook my head and stuck with him.

"No! I'm not leaving you," I felt as tears trickled down my cheeks. Mingi pulled me to a stop behind a wall.

"I love you, Hongjoong, I do, but you have to run! Please!" Mingi begged. I shook my head and kissed his lips deeply, sweetly.

"I love you, too," I sobbed as Mingi ran, leading the gang following us away. I sobbed silently and pulled out my phone, dialing Seonghwa's number.

"Baby, I told you not to call me while you're on a date unless it's an emergency," Seonghwa scolded me. Once he heard my sobs, he quickly asked what was wrong.

"They're after us, Hwa. I don't know who they are but- hey, give me my phone!" I sobbed and reached for my phone. He taunted me by holding it above my head.

"So you're Ateez's boy? My, my, aren't you cute. Boss is gonna like you," He smiled teasingly as he injected me with a needle. 

   "Are you ready for our date, Joongie?" Mingi asked as we hopped into his car. I nodded happily and buckled my seatbelt. 

  "Yes! I'm excited!" I exclaimed happily. We then drove silently, minus the radio music, all the way to a mall. 

  "What are we doing at a mall?" I asked, visibly confused. Mingi smiled and held my hand. I laced our fingers together as we entered the mall. 


  "Everyone, on your knees!" A masked male shouted. There seemed to be around twenty of them from what I could tell. 

  "Let's get out of here..." Mingi mumbled and pulled me out of the mall. I yanked my arm out of his grasp and looked up at him. 

  "Shouldn't we try to help?" I asked. Mingi shook his head and dragged me to his car. There were three men stood, waiting for us to come back. 

  "Mingi..." I mumbled fearfully. He pulled out his gun from his holster and glared at the other male with darker red hair. 

  "Let us go, Taeyong. He's already hurt by Stray Kids." Mingi cocked his gun, ready to end this before it begins. 

  "Ha, no. Why should I, Mingles? He's so cute, though! I wonder how he'd sound beneath me..." Taeyong smirked. I couldn't lie, Taeyong was devilishly handsome, but I know I am in love with Seonghwa. 

  "Leave Hongjoong out of this, Taeyong." Mingi stated in a voice I had never heard from him. It was deeper and raspier than his normal speaking tone. 

    "Oh, so his name is Hongjoong? My, what a beautiful name for a beautiful boy," Taeyong flirted, kissing the top of my hand. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I went with them to save Mingi? 

  "What do I have to do for you to send Mingi back to Ateez unscathed?" I asked monotonously. Taeyong looked shocked as he smirked again.

  "You'd do anything?" Taeyong asked. I nodded wordlessly, emotionlessly. I knew if I showed I was scared Taeyong would use it against me. 

  "Anything," I confirmed. Taeyong took my hand once more and pulled me to stand beside him. 

  "Hongjoong, don't do this!" Mingi begged. I shook my head and stood by Taeyong. 

  "I have to." 

  "No you don't," Mingi shouted, yanking me away from Taeyong. He pulled me as he ran away from the trio. 

Mingi began shooting behind us as we sprinted away.I tried to free my arm, but he was far too strong.

  "Mingi, let me go! They'll kill us both!" I shouted. Mingi shushed me and pulled me behind a large tree. 

  "No! You have to run, Hongjoong. I know Neo City- hell I used to be part of Neo City! They're monsters, Hongjoong. If you go with them, you'll be dead for sure!" Mingi explained. I shook my head and his hand off of my arm. 

  "I have to do it so they don't kill you, Mingi." I kissed his cheek. Mingi grabbed my hand and pulled me to run with him again. 

"Don't ever look back, Joongie! Keep going, I'll find you when it's safe!" Mingi shouted. I shook my head and stuck with him.

"No! I'm not leaving you," I felt as tears trickled down my cheeks. Mingi pulled me to a stop behind a wall.

"I love you, Hongjoong, I do, but you have to run! Please!" Mingi begged. I shook my head and kissed his lips deeply, sweetly.

"I love you, too," I sobbed as Mingi ran, leading the gang following us away. I sobbed silently and pulled out my phone, dialing Seonghwa's number.

"Baby, I told you not to call me while you're on a date unless it's an emergency," Seonghwa scolded me. Once he heard my sobs, he quickly asked what was wrong. 

"They're after us, Hwa. I don't know who they are but- hey, give me my phone!" I sobbed and reached for my phone. He taunted me by holding it above my head.

"So you're Ateez's boy? My, my, aren't you cute. Boss is gonna like you," He smiled teasingly as he injected me with a needle.

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