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Hongjoong's pov

"Are you gonna be okay?"Sangyeon asked as he carefully drove us back to my home. My tears had dried up and my emotions turned stony.

"No, but I will be eventually I guess." I looked out the window and saw my home come into view. When I entered, it was empty. Everything was gone from inside our house.

"They're gone. They've abandoned me with you," I said as I sat down on the floor of my bedroom with Seonghwa.

"I'm sure they-"

"They don't want me anymore. They don't love me anymore," I broke down again as I gasped for air. My lungs burned. My heart raced. I scratched at my neck and chest.

"Breathe, Hongjoong, breathe!" Sangyeon begged as he pulled me close. I inhaled and exhaled rapidly as he held me.

"They don't love me anymore?" I asked as I cried more softly this time. He had been the first person besides Seonghwa to calm me down from a panic attack.

"I'm sure they still do! They probably just moved because so many of us have found out their location." Sangyeon explained.

"They would've told me first. They must not want anything to do with me anymore. Take me back to my apartment." I said as I walked back to his car.

"If that's what you want..." Sangyeon mumbled and drove me to my apartment once I told him the address.

"Thank you,"I thanked him and entered my apartment.

"Seonghwa, why did you leave me?" I asked myself as I walked around the almost empty apartment he was still paying for.

I found the house phone and dialed his number before hanging up.

I heard the phone ring but I ignored it. It wasn't until I felt warm arms wrap around my shoulders did I come out of the depression I was in. I was sat on the couch for hours, maybe even a day before I felt his arms around me.

"Baby..." Seonghwa cried as he held me. My face still stung from the force of Juyeon's slap so I knew it was bruised by now.

"I'm okay. You guys don't need me anymore..." I mumbled as I stared blankly.

"Baby, of course we need you! What makes you think that we don't?" Mingi asked as he rubbed my arm.

"You all abandoned our home with nothing left behind. You never told me you were moving, so when I went back to find an empty home, I knew it. I just knew you would all get tired of my bullshit," I spoke monotonously as I looked at the hardwood floor of my living room.

"Baby, we love you..." Seonghwa's voice cracked with tears. I didn't care. My heart was broken beyond repair this time. Nothing can make this better.

"No you don't." I stood up from the couch and walked into our old bedroom. I shut and locked the door before sitting on our bed.

Our bed. The place where we rested and slept together oh so many times. I cried softly as I held the blanket under my fingers. I crawled under the blankets just before the door was unlocked.

"Baby, please don't be like this. We love you," Mingi begged as he sat beside me on the bed.

"No you don't! You wouldn't have just abandoned me with The Boyz if you did! I got myself out of there by angering Juyeon to the point he threw my ring out of his window and slapped my cheek. They had a promise not to hurt me, or I'd get to come back home. Now I'm not even in a home anymore, just an apartment," I cried.

"I want to go back to Neo City. If you guys don't want me I'll go back," I said as I sat up. I grabbed the house phone from beside our bed and dialed Taeyong's number.

"No! We love you, Joongie. Why can't you understand that?" Yeosang was the first of the remaining five to speak up.

"Because people who love me would have found me or at least tried. People who love me would tell me when it's moving day," I put the phone to my ear and began to talk to Taeyong.

"Come get me, I'm at my apartment," I said.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked quickly as he grabbed his keys.

"Yes." I said and hung up the phone.

"Baby, please don't go," Seonghwa begged. He knelt beside the bed and held my hands.

"No, I can't be with people who don't love me." I yanked my hands free and stood up from the bed. I brushed my hair and looked tiredly at the bruise on my cheek.

"Baby, we love you! We. Love. You." Seonghwa kissed my lips between words.

"I still want to spend time with Neo City and cool off. Please let me go," I sighed and wiped my mouth. Seonghwa looked like he had been shot.

"Be safe, Hongjoong," Jongho said softly. I nodded my head and walked out the door, hearing a car honk.

"So, what happened? Are you okay?" Taeyong asked once we were settled in on his bed. I had on a pair of Mark's sweatpants and one of Taeyong's shirts.

"The Boyz kidnapped me, and when I came home to our home, everything was gone. They just... abandoned me, Tae." I cried again as all my emotions came back at one go. I always hated this part of my depressive episodes.

"Bud, I don't think they abandoned you. They were found, and needed a new place to go. They would have told you if you called them again," taeyong tried to comfort me.

"That's just it. The Boyz took my phone and destroyed it. Juyeon took my ring and threw it out of his window before slapping me. Now I don't even have my engagement to Seonghwa." I calmed down some from Taeyong's efforts. I looked down at my void of ring ring finger with sadness.

"You're still engaged, you just need a new ring. How about you just cool down for the night, then I'll take you back to your apartment. You can go back once you've thought things through." Taeyong smiled softly.

"Can we sleep? I'm tired," I asked as I looked out the window. It was still daylight outside, but he agreed.

"Alright," he smiled softly and got into bed beside me. I slowly cuddled into his side, feeling comforted that someone was here for me.

"Thank you for being here for me, Taeyong. I appreciate it," I thanked him before falling asleep in his arms.

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