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   Hongjoong's pov

   I awoke one morning, a wide smile on my face. I gently traced over Seonghwa's facial features with my pointer finger. Seonghwa smiled softly and kissed my forehead.

   "I love you," Seonghwa said sweetly. I smiled and kissed him before saying the same to him.

   "Babe, when will we have our wedding? It's been two months since we got engaged and we haven't planned anything yet," I asked as I laid in his arms.

   "We could elope now and then begin planning the wedding," Seonghwa offered. I nodded and jumped up from the bed. I quickly pulled on some nice clothes and handed Seonghwa a similar outfit. 

   "You're really excited to get married to me, aren't you?" Seonghwa asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Of course I am! I love you," I said happily. Seonghwa smiled and shook his head.

"I love you, baby," Seonghwa said. I kissed his lips sweetly.

"Okay, so, can we start planning our wedding? Please?" I asked while making a cute face. Seonghwa smiled at me and nodded.

   "First, what's our budget?" I asked. Seonghwa gave it a little thought.

   "Twenty thousand?" He asked more than said. My eyes widened.

   "Babe, that-"

   "I know; it would cover your dream wedding easily. Go ahead and begin planning it as you want to, baby. I'm okay with what you want," Seonghwa said. He pecked my lips sweetly. I squealed and hugged him tightly.

   My dream wedding is in the forest, around 6 pm so it's a little dark, but lit up by fairy lights. I wanted the color scheme to be browns, greens, and shades of pinks or purples to reflect the forest that we are in.

   I want Seonghwa and I to wear sage green suits with white ties and brown shoes.

   "Thank you," I sang as I attacked his face with kisses. Seonghwa laughed softly and nodded.

   "It's no problem, baby. I want you to be able to look back on our wedding fondly, so make it as you see fit." Seonghwa smiled. I smiled too and kissed his lips slowly. Seonghwa pecked my cheek before handing me his credit card.

   "Go ahead and start paying for the venue and catering," Seonghwa said. My eyes widened. He had never given me his credit card before.

   "Are you sure you don't want to enter your credit card information instead of me?" I asked.

   "No, I trust you, baby," Seonghwa said. I nodded and hugged him again.

   "Can we go get fitted for our suits tomorrow?" I asked. Seonghwa smiled and nodded. He knew I would have the wedding planned for next month.

   "Absolutely," Seonghwa said. I nodded and opened my laptop to begin planning. I pulled out my phone and began making calls to numbers I found on the internet.

   Six hours of planning later, I had everything ready to go except our suits and our written vows.

   "Babe, can you start writing your vows, please?" I asked him softly as I laid down beside him on our bed.

   "Yeah, I can," Seonghwa said before he pulled me to his chest. It was almost midnight before I finished planning everything.

   "Thank you," I said with a soft smile. I cuddled into his side and laid my head on his chest.

   "I love you," Seonghwa said before kissing my forehead.

   "I love you," I kissed his chest before we began to fall asleep. Seonghwa pulled the blankets higher over us and wrapped his arm around my waist.

   I'm sorry this is so short, but the next chapter will be their wedding!

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