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    Hongjoong's pov

  "Babe?" I asked as I laid in his arms one morning. He smiled down at me and hummed in response.

   "Can we go on a date today? We didn't get to go the last time I asked you," I asked. Seonghwa smiled still and pecked my lips.

   "Of course we can, baby! Let's get dressed then we can go," Seonghwa said and helped me stand up from the bed. He picked out our outfits and helped me get dressed.

   "Do you want to ask Mingi out, too?" Seonghwa asked. I looked up at him confused.

   "You wouldn't mind going on a poly date?" I asked. Seonghwa smiled and kissed my lips again.

   "No, I wouldn't. I love you, Hongjoong," Seonghwa spoke sweetly. I smiled widely and kissed him again.

   "I love you, Seonghwa!" I smiled still and laced our fingers together. He smiled and laughed softly.

   "Mingi," I called out as I pulled Seonghwa to his room.

  "Yes, my love?" He asked as he rolled around in his swivel chair.

   "Do you wanna go on a date with Seonghwa and I?" I asked. Mingi smiled softly and nodded.

   "Yeah, let me get dressed, okay?" Mingi smiled still and stood up to kiss me. I kissed him back happily.

   "Okay, we'll be waiting on the couch," I said once we separated. Mingi smiled and caressed my cheek.

   "Alright," he said as Seonghwa and I walked out of his room.

  "Baby?" Seonghwa asked. I looked up at him and nodded, silently telling him to continue.

   "Do you like any of the rest of my members?" Seonghwa asked. I sat in thought for a minute.

   "I haven't really talked to your other members that much, so I have no idea. Yunho and San seem really sweet," I spoke. Seonghwa smiled.

   "Maybe you could take them on a date tomorrow and find out?" Seonghwa asked just before Mingi came to the living room.

   "I will!" I smiled and stood up from the couch. I held both Mingi and Seonghwa's hands as we walked out of the house. We got into Seonghwa's car and drove for a little bit, stopping at a cafe.

  We all hopped out and walked into the cafe, Mingi opening the door for me.

  "Thank you, Mingi," I laughed softly and walked inside. Mingi and Seonghwa smiled at me and pulled me to a table. We sat down for a little bit before a waiter came to our table.

  "Hello, my name is Yeonjun, and what can I get for you?" He asked as he opened his notepad.

   "I want a latte and a slice of chocolate cake, please," I asked. He nodded his head and wrote it down.

   "Same for me," Seonghwa and Mingi spoke at once. I giggled softly. It was cute hearing them speak at once.

   "Alrighty, I'll go have it prepared for you!" Yeonjun smiled and walked away.

   "You guys didn't have to get the same thing I did, haha," I laughed with a small smile on my lips.

   "Well, maybe we want to feed you," Mingi said. My cheeks darkened in color.

   "Aww you're blushing!" Mingi gently pinched my cheeks. I whined.

   "No," I whined until he let go. Mingi smiled and kissed my cheek sweetly.

"You're adorable," Mingi claimed as I pouted.

"You're a meanie!" I whined. Mingi laughed softly and shook his head.

"I love you, Hongjoong," Mingi said.

"I love you, Mingi. I love you, Seonghwa," I said with a smile. The both kissed my cheeks sweetly, causing me to smile still.

"I love you, too, baby," Seonghwa gently rubbed the top of my hand with his thumb.

"Here's your food and drinks!" Yeonjun smiled and sat our plates of cake and drinks in front of us.

"Thank you," we thanked him before he left. I smiled and picked up my fork to begin eating my cake.

"Bite?" I asked them once I had had a bite. They smiled and nodded. I fed Seonghwa a bite first, then fed Mingi.

"Thank you, love," Mingi said. I kissed his lips sweetly. I continued to eat my cake and drink my latte. Every so often, one of them would feed me a bite of their cake.

"Hey, Mingi?" I asked after I swallowed a bite of food.

"Yes, love?"

"What are we? We've never really put a label on what we are..." I mumbled. Mingi still heard me and grabbed my right hand gently in both of his.

"We're boyfriends! Well, if you want to-" I cut Mingi off by kissing his lips. Mingi smiled into the kiss but continued to kiss back. I soon pulled away and continued to eat my cake.

"Aww," Seonghwa said with a soft smile. I smiled too and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, both of you," I said softly. They looked at me confusedly.

"You guys have really shown me unconditional love for as long as I've known you both. You've both accepted me and proved that you love me. I love you," I thanked them. They smiled and hugged me between them.

"It's no problem, baby. We love you," Seonghwa pecked my lips softly. I smiled into the kiss happily.

"I really love you both so much." I smiled widely.

I soon finished my cake and latte, as did Seonghwa and Mingi.

We left the cafe after Seonghwa paid. Seonghwa led us to the park, where I childishly ran towards the swings.

"Push me!" I exclaimed as I sat down. Mingi raced after me and began to push me on the swing. I smiled and laughed happily.

I truly am so happy with Seonghwa and Mingi. The pair have accepted me, traumas and all, and loved me. They really truly care for me, and I can tell.

Mingi is so sweet to me. While he has hurt me once by his fear, I know it wasn't on purpose. He was scared he would lose me. That shows me he really does love me.

Seonghwa has loved me for three years now. He has always shown me such sweet love that it's almost unreal. While I did have to drop out of college, I couldn't care less. I love him so much.

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