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    Hongjoong's pov

  The next morning, I awoke to breakfast in bed. Taeyong was smiling at me as he woke me up.

   "Here, I thought you could use some food. You seem paler than usual and a little more thin," Taeyong said as he sat the tray over my thighs once I sat up.

   "Thank you," I smiled softly and began eating the food he had made for me.

  "Did you eat yet?" I asked as I ate quietly. Taeyong nodded.

   "Alright," I said and continued eating. Once I was finished, I drank some of the orange juice he gave me.

   "Do you want to go back to your apartment?" Taeyong asked. I nodded after a moment of thinking.

   "I feel bad for the way I acted. I should've known not to let myself overthink," I said as we drove back to my apartment.

   "It'll be okay, Hongjoong. They all love you deeply," Taeyong smiled as we saw Mingi come racing out of the apartment building.

   "Hongjoong!" Mingi cried as I stepped out of the car. I smiled softly and hugged him. I gave taeyong a thumbs up, telling him he could leave.

   "Im okay, babe. I'm sorry for the way I acted. I overthought way too much and let my emotions get the better of me," I lowered my head regretfully.

   "Hey, we understand completely baby. We promise," Mingi said as he led me inside. He called Seonghwa, who soon drove to our apartment.

   "Baby!" He cried as he hugged me. I smiled softly and kissed his cheek. He sobbed and pulled me even closer than I was before.

   "I'm sorry we didn't tell you we were moving. I'm so sorry," Seonghwa's body shook as he sobbed. I kissed his cheek again and rubbed his back.

   "I should be the one apologizing. I let my emotions run so wild they ran off. And our engagement ring was throw out a window, and I couldn't find it. I'm sorry," I cried softly.

   "Hey, hey it's okay, baby. We can get you a new one," Seonghwa smiled and kissed my lips. I kissed back, missing the feeling of his lips against mine.

   "Really? You aren't mad at me?" I asked. Seonghwa shook his head.

    "What kind of stone do you want this time? Jade?" Seonghwa asked. I nodded my head. I smiled widely.

   "You know my second favorite stone?" I asked. Seonghwa nodded happily.

   "I love you, baby. Of course I know what stones you like," he kissed my lips again before letting Mingi kiss me.

   "We love you, baby. Please don't doubt us again," Mingi begged before kissing me. I smiled into the kiss.

   "I'll try not to," I said. We climbed into Seonghwa's car and drove to the new house. I knew it was going to take a bit to feel like home, but I also knew it would. Any house would feel like home with Ateez.

   "Okay, here's our new house," Seonghwa smiled as I gasped seeing how beautiful the white house is. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.  I put my hands over his and admired the house before we entered.

    "He's back!" Seonghwa shouted as he swung open the front door. We walked down a long hallway and found the other five boys in the living room.

    "I'm sorry for the way I acted," I apologized as I looked from face to face. They all smiled and came to hug me individually.

   "It's okay, Joongie," Yeosang hugged me last. I smiled before remembering our plan for a date.

   "Can we wait until my bruise heals up before our date?" I asked. Yeosang smiled and nodded.

   "Can I kiss your bruise?" Yeosang asked shyly. My cheeks flushed as I nodded. He gently pecked my bruised cheek before blushing himself.

   "Thank you, Yeo," I smiled and kissed his cheek in return.

   "It's no problem, Joongie," Yeosang smiled shyly.

   "I love you guys," I smiled widely as they all hugged me at once. I truly felt loved for one of the first times in my life.

"We love you too," Seonghwa said as he and Mingi kissed my cheeks. I smiled happily and kissed their cheeks.

   "Guys, I'm still really sorry for the way I acted. I should've let you guys explain instead of running away like that. I'm so sorry," I apologized as I cried again, my eyes aching and painful.

"Hey, it's okay, alright? We don't blame you. We understand you and your emotions, Joongie. I know I don't act like I care about you, but I do. If you would want to, maybe you and I could go on a date after you and Yeosang do?" Jongho gently scratched the back of his neck as he looked down at the ground. I smiled.

"Absolutely, Jongho," I smiled still and kissed his cheek before asking Seonghwa where our room is.

"It's this way," Seonghwa said as he led me to our room. I laid down on the bed beside Seonghwa, who gently held my wrists as he sat.

   "Baby, I'm so sorry you got kidnapped again. What is that now- three times? You've only been with us for one month! I'm gonna have to hire more people," Seonghwa sighed and kissed the bruises on my wrists.

    "It's not okay, but I know it wasn't your faults. Thank you for trying to protect me until the almost end. I love you, Park Seonghwa." I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed me back as he hovered over me. He gently caressed my cheek.

   "I know you just got back, but would you want to make love again? I now know how happy it makes you, so we can do it more often now!" Seonghwa smiled down at me.

   "Yes!" I exclaimed and kissed his lips again.

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