Chapter 25

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"James what time are they supposed to be here" I said getting dressed. The boys were coming over to see the house. We had just gotten up and all of a sudden my stomach hurt I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. "Dovlyn are you ok" James said coming into the bathroom "yeah I think- I was cut of by myself throwing up again. "Shit" James said holding my hair back "ok I think I'm good now" I said getting up "That was weird" James said "yeah" I said flushing the toilet

          The boys were here and we were laughing and having fun when all of a sudden I had this crazy craving. "Hey has anyone ice cream and salt" I said they all looked at me like I was crazy everyone said no "well I wanna try it" I said getting up the boys looked and each other and got up and followed me.

        I put some ice cream in a bowl and put some salt in it I grabbed a spoon and took a bit "well" James said  I took another bite. "Ewwww" Jason said "no for real try it" I said "umm no" he said jamss took the bowl and took a bite James gaged. "How do you not like that" I said and took the ice cream back. "No the question is how do you you like it" Kirk said

       It's been about a week since the ice cream incident and I've been having even more weird cravings sense. "James" I called walking out of the bathroom "what's wrong" James said sitting up on the bed. "I'm late" I said James gave me a confused look "my period I'm late" I said "shit" he said "and I've been have all these weird cravings and throwing up, James I think I might be pregnant" I said "how I always- fuck" he said "what" I said and sat down next to him "the night of our wedding I didn't put a condom on" he said "I think we need to go got some tests" I said

      We got back from the store and I went to the bathroom and took the test. I came out of the bathroom and waited with James for 5 minutes, he had he's hand on my thigh the whole time, he knows that makes me feel safe. The timer on the oven went off so we walked into the bathroom together. I picked up the test and looked at it it had 2 lines, I put my hand over my mouth and said "I'm pregnant" "well there goes the rest of the Tour" James said and came up and hugged me "no don't do that it will be fine, and you can write me" I said "dove no I can tell the guys, I'm not gunna miss the birth of my kid" he said "you won't" I said "do you realize that the tour is a year and pregnancy is 9 months so I will for sure miss it" James said. I thought for a little bit "I don't want to get in the way of anything I know you love going on tour and music is your hart James I can't" I said tears falling from my eyes "dove I want you to listen to me, music is my hart but you are my world and our baby" he said putting his hand on my stomach "y'all are the love of my life" James said hugging me "I love you" I said "I love you too" he said then kissed me "let's go call the boys" I said wiping my tears.

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