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Doctor's POV

"Are you two seeing each other?"

Yasmin's mother's words rang through the Doctor's head as she stood alone by the TARDIS console.

Graham, Ryan and Yaz were sleeping in their own rooms, exhausted after their busy day stopping some giant spiders from destroying the universe. A normal day in the TARDIS.

But the Doctor could not get these words out of her head.

"I don't think so... Are we?"

Stupid... stupid for thinking that she stood a chance. Stupid for thinking that maybe – just maybe – Yaz liked her back.

Wait, she liked her?! She blushed deeply, thoughts of Yaz filling her mind.

"We're friends!"

That's what Yaz had said. A silent tear trailed its way down her cheek. The Doctor hissed a curse before swiping the tear away and leaning on the centre console.

"Get over it, Doctor," she told herself. "Just... she doesn't like you back. So, stop thinking about her."

Yaz's POV

Yaz sat at her desk in her TARDIS room, unable to sleep. She laid her head on the smooth wood, staring at the picture of the Doctor hanging on her wall. She had sneakily taken it on her phone and printed it out ages ago. Just... she really hoped the Doctor never saw it. That would be all kinds of awkward.

She didn't have a chance with the Doctor. The Doctor was this fantastic, beautiful, clever, amazing girl. And Yaz... Yaz was just Yaz. There was nothing special about her.

"Are you two seeing each other?"

Why did her mum even ask that?! Was it really that obvious she liked the Doctor? What if she picked it up? What if she threw her out of the TARDIS? Yaz couldn't bear being apart from her.

Stupid Mum.


"I don't think so... Are we?"

Maybe there was a glimmer of hope. Or maybe, she was just scraping for anything she could get. Because she... she...

Yaz cried out, burying her head in her hands.

Why is love so complicated?

Doctor's POV

The Doctor lay on her bed, barely able to even think about sleep. She did not like spiders. She had to be strong for her fam, but really, she had been almost ready to faint considering all of the giant spiders that had surrounded her earlier.

She let her mind drift, briefly wondering how Rose Tyler was going in the parallel universe she was trapped in. Her smiling face still haunted her, even four regenerations later. Had she really been in love with her? She wasn't so sure now.

River Song... her wife. They had spent a glorious last night together – which lasted twenty-four years. She was gone now... sacrificed herself to save the Library from the Vashta Nerada.

And now, Yaz.

Most of her companions travelled with her to see the universe. That was definitely true of Ryan and Graham. But Yaz?

Yaz travelled with her because of her. They had a friendship unlike any other that she had had with any of her other companions. Not even Amy could rival this.

But now the Doctor was going to ruin it. Because her feelings had developed into something more.

Stop it, she told herself. Stop it and move on.

The Doctor pulled her blanket around her tighter and tried to sleep.

It was useless. She was too upset to sleep. Why couldn't she stop thinking about Yaz?

A/N: Okay, this is officially my favourite ship ever, so I had to write something about them! I swear Chris Chibnall if you don't make Thasmin canon I'm never watching DW again. Anyway, this wasn't the best, but I hoped you enjoyed?

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