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Graham's POV

After the Doctor and Yaz explained the Cybermen and then the date/adventure, Graham was still fuming.

"There's no reason you couldn't pick us up earlier! It's a time machine!"

"And it's never exactly accurate," the Doctor shrugged. "This is a type 40 TARDIS – it's a relic, was a museum piece when I stole it."

"Stole it?" asked Yaz, her police officer side shining through.

"Long story short, I was bored, there was a TARDIS, I stole it and ran."

Yaz shook her head with disappointment.

Graham took in the Doctor's torn suit and Yaz's tired eyes and then said, "I think you two should go get some rest. You look exhausted."

The Doctor and Yaz both yawned simultaneously, making Ryan and Graham laugh. Together they headed off, their hands joined.

"They're sure friendly," Ryan said, bitterness lacing his tone.

"Ryan, just be happy for them. The Doctor and Yaz are happy for the first time in forever! You know Yaz has always struggled with mental health, and the Doctor has been awful ever since the Master stuff. Just smile and be happy for them. Thasmin is finally happening!"

Ryan chuckled, "Thasmin? You made up a ship name? I thought you didn't understand ships. I've explained it to you over twenty times, but you never seem to remember."

"I did remember," Graham snapped. "It's just that I found it confusing. Now son, let's go watch a movie or something while we wait for the lovebirds."

A/N: Shipping. I've explained it to my mum several times. She never understands. Help me.

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