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Yaz's POV

Yaz boarded the coach with Graham, while the Doctor boarded with Ryan. They were on the other side of the coach to each other, which worked fine for Yaz.

But she felt like Ryan and Graham were planning something. Surely, they hadn't realised that Yaz had a crush on the Doctor. She'd been keeping it really secret... at least, that's what she thought.

The coach trip didn't take too long – the restaurant must have been really close to the hotel. When they stepped out of the coach – the coach parked inside, of course – Yaz finally saw the Doctor. And her breath was taken away.

She was dressed in a suit, pulled over a white collared shirt, along with black pants. Yaz found herself staring and quickly looked away, following Ryan and Graham into the main dining area.

The Doctor's POV

As the Doctor left the coach, she caught sight of Yaz for the first time that evening. She swore the breath was knocked out of her.

She was wearing a beautiful red dress, decorated with scarlet sequins. The Doctor met eyes with her, and her heart skipped a beat. Feeling heat rush to her cheeks, the Doctor looked away and followed Graham and Ryan into the restaurant.

With courage she didn't know she had, the Doctor stepped closer to Yaz. "Yaz, I'm... I'm sorry about before. I shouldn't have assumed about Ryan. And that question was far too nosy. I'm sorry. I'm just... new to all of this."

Yaz turned her gaze to meet the Doctor's. They stopped walking, standing at the entrance to the main dining area. "It's fine, Doctor. I..."

Yaz's face heated up and she walked off, taking a seat at the table that Ryan and Graham reserved before.

The Doctor noticed how awkward Yaz seemed around her. And then started to wonder.

Does she like me back?

A/N: Sorry this is such a short chapter. In the next chapter, we will be back in the TARDIS and a game of truth or dare might bring some stuff to light...

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