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Yaz's POV

Yaz stepped out of the TARDIS to see a beautiful hotel lobby, ornated with diamonds and crystals of all kinds. One thing struck her as odd – there were no windows.

"Doctor?" she asked. "Why're there no windows?"

"X-tonic radiation outside," the Doctor explained, stepping up beside Yaz, Ryan and Graham behind them. "Not a single thing could survive out there. Except maybe a monster that possesses you and becomes a copycat. But never mind that!"

Graham was ever so slightly concerned. "Doc, are you sure we're safe?"

The Doctor whirled around to face him, "Definitely! Probably. Maybe. Don't worry about it – that's what holidays are for! Not worrying!"

Ryan, Yaz and Graham were not sure what to think. But they all tried to follow the Doctor's advice and not worry about it. Or anything.

But Yaz was unsuccessful. All she could worry about was the Doctor. She always put herself in danger. What if she did it again?

Yaz cared about the Doctor so much – possibly too much.

"Now, fam, let's check-in and head to our rooms, shall we?"

The Doctor's POV

It was logical. That's it. Logical.

Logical to put Ryan and Graham in a room together and the Doctor and Yaz in together. It's not like they were sharing beds – it was a twin bedroom.

They all went to the lifts together after checking in and the Doctor pressed the button for the sixth floor. The doors closed but the lift didn't budge.

"Huh?" Ryan remarked. He pressed the button again. Nothing happened.

"Doctor, pass me the room pass," Yaz said. The Doctor handed it to her, and their hands brushed. They lingered for maybe longer than they should've before pulling away, the Doctor diverting her attention to a poster talking about the tours around Midnight.

The Doctor never wanted to do that again. It was a total disaster last time.

Yaz pressed the button for the sixth floor and then swiped the pass along a scanner beside the array of buttons. The lift swiftly took off.

"Oh... thanks, Yaz," the Doctor smiled, taking back the pass.

"No problem," Yaz said quickly, darting her gaze away from the timelord.

Ryan and Graham exchanged a meaningful glance. The Doctor noticed and begun to panic.

Had they figured out her crush on Yaz?

Yaz's POV

Yaz sat on the edge of her bed, watching on as the Doctor, sitting at the small table, tinkered with her sonic screwdriver, her blonde hair hanging in her beautiful eyes.

"Hey, so, why have you been acting weird around me lately?" asked the Doctor, while still tinkering away.

"I... I haven't been acting weird," said Yaz, fidgeting with her hands, hoping that she would believe her lie.

"Is it Ryan?"

Yaz returned her gaze to the Doctor, "What? What about Ryan?"

The Doctor turned her gaze away, staring at a painting on the blue-painted wall. "You just... you like him, don't you? And he likes you. You might as well make it official now."

"W-What?!" Yaz pushed herself up off the bed and walked over to the Doctor. She sat down on the other chair. "Doctor, I do not like Ryan! He's... just not my type. He's my friend but... just a friend."

The Doctor seemed relieved. This confused Yaz a lot. She shrugged it off – the Doctor probably didn't want any couples on the TARDIS.

"Do you... like someone?" the Doctor asked, setting down her sonic and turning her brown gaze to meet Yaz's.

Yaz blushed and looked away, "What?! No. None of your business, Doctor."

Then Yaz stood up and left the room, deciding to go see what Ryan and Graham were up to.

A/N: Okay, the whole lift thing was based on something that happened to me in a hotel when I could not figure out how to work the lift. Also, I have literally no idea what I'm doing – I'm writing random things that come to mind. It's a dumpster fire, I know. But I hope you are enjoying Yaz and the Doctor being complete gay disasters.

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