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Yaz's POV

Yaz emerged from the TARDIS wardrobe, mouth gaping as she saw the Doctor. Dressed in a navy – no, TARDIS - blue suit with matching pants, hands covered by white silk gloves.

"Doctor..." Yaz whispered, breathless.

"You okay, Yaz?" she asked, flicking switches, and turning dials on the console, yet to look at Yaz. When she did look up however, Yaz could tell that she was impressed.

The companion had chosen a flowing sleeveless blue dress. She had done her hair up in a loose bun and wore a silver necklace adorned with a star.

"I could ask the same to you," Yaz said, as the Doctor proceeded to stare, seemingly unable to form thoughts. "Doctor?"

The Doctor shook her head, snapping herself out of it. "I'm fine. I'm better then fine – I'm excited and feel like I'm one-hundred again!"

Yaz laughed. She guessed that in Time Lord terms one-hundred was like being a teenager.

The Doctor returned to flicking the last few switches before gesturing to the flight lever, "Wanna do the honours, Yaz?"

Yaz bounded towards the lever, made sure she had a firm grip on the console, and pulled down the lever that plunged them through the Time Vortex.

The Doctor had landed the TARDIS just outside of the great castle, many couples already entering the great feat of architecture.

The Doctor and Yaz linked arms and exited the TARDIS, walking into the ball with great delight. When the guards asked to see their invites, the Doctor flashed her psychic paper.

"Okay, maybe I didn't have invites," the Doctor whispered to Yaz as they stepped into the ball. "Psychic paper is handy, huh?"

Yaz suppressed her laughter in case someone noticed and asked what she was laughing about. They did not need to be incarcerated on their first proper date.

When they entered the ballroom, Yaz swore that it was the most awestriking thing that she had ever seen. The ballroom was ornate, and the walls were patterned with gold. In the corner was a violin quartet, all men wearing suits. And on the wall directly opposite the entrance was a beautiful glass mural.

But the people. That was what hit Yaz the most. Beautiful couples gracefully drifting across the ballroom, dressed up like Yaz had only seen in movies.

When the song ended, the Doctor got down on one knee and held out her hand to Yaz. "Yasmin Khan, would you do me the honour of this dance?"

Yaz took the Doctor's hand and pulled her up so they were level. "Definitely."

The Doctor's POV

The Doctor led Yaz onto the dancefloor and placed one hand on her waist, while Yaz placed one hand on the Doctor's shoulder. They joined their free hands and the Doctor begun to move Yaz around the ballroom to the beat of the chamber music.

The Doctor was sure and precise in her movements, having had over one thousand years of practise. Yaz on the other hand kept tripping over her feet, muttering apologies.

"Hey, stop apologising," the Doctor said. "It's okay – you'll get better."

"All of my dancing knowledge comes from Disney movies," Yaz said. "So, a tutorial would be very much appreciated."

The Doctor laughed softly and spent the duration of the piece teaching Yaz the waltz. She could see that Yaz was improving and by the end of piece she was moving with an air of confidence that she had previously lacked.

"There you go, Yaz! You're practically a pro!" the Doctor exclaimed as the piece finished. Yaz smiled, leaning in and giving the Doctor a quick kiss.

"Thanks Doctor."

"Anytime. We can have dancing classes every Friday!"

Yaz laughed but quickly declined.


The Doctor and Yaz jumped apart as the great glass mural smashed apart, a horse jumping through. And on top of the horse sat a creature that the Doctor instantly knew wasn't human.

A/N: Oh my StarClan. 300 VIEWS?! That's just... unbelievable! Thanks for reading my fanfic everyone! It's just been something to keep me occupied over the holidays and I never expected this! Thank you for reading!

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