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The Doctor's POV

By the time the sun was setting, just an hour or two later, the Doctor got off Yaz and instead took Yaz's seat, her neck rather sore and achy.

"Yaz..." she whined. "Can I have a massage?"

Yaz sighed, her legs too sore to move. "I don't know if I can get up."

The Doctor turned to Yaz with puppy dog eyes.


Yaz clambered up and walked over to the Doctor semi-clumsily, the Doctor trying to hide her laughter when she almost tripped on the short journey from her chair to the Doctor's.

"Now, you two, I think we should sort out sleeping arrangements," Graham said. "Seeing our tent has two compartments and a middle area, I say all our stuff goes in the middle area and Yaz sleeps with Ryan and I sleep with the Doc."

The Doctor was quick to protest, "But Graham! Yaz is my girlfriend!"

Graham shook his head, "Uh, no. No way. We will be having no naughty business during this trip."

Yaz paused in her massage and the Doctor was sure that both of their faces were bright red.

"We-We aren't going to... you know," Yaz spluttered before resuming massaging the Doctor's neck. The Doctor could feel her aches beginning to subside.

"Hey, grandad, just let 'em sleep together," said Ryan. "I honestly doubt that they'd do that with us right near them."

"I like Ryan's reasoning!" the Doctor said. "It's completely accurate."

The Doctor could see Graham beginning to cave in.

"Fine then. But no naughty business or it'll be back to the TARDIS for you, Doc."

Yaz's POV

After the awkward conversation that left Yaz feeling like she was boiling, she took off her leather jacket, despite the fact that it was early February.

"Can I stop yet?" Yaz asked the Doctor, her hands sore.

"Yeah. Thanks, Yaz."

Yaz nodded and returned to her – or rather, the Doctor's – chair.

"Now," Graham said, picking up a guitar and swinging the strap around his shoulder. "It's time for some campfire songs."

Yaz groaned and so did Ryan, yet the Doctor seemed strangely excited. She was such a child sometimes.

Yaz listened with resignation as Graham sang a few songs before the Doctor took the guitar and began to play Yellow by Coldplay. Yaz noticed that the Doctor was looking at her the entire time. Yaz was captivated by her gaze, her eyes like oceans, a whole world contained in them.

"Look at the stars

Look how they shine for you

And everything you do

Yeah, they were all yellow."

Yaz smiled and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her jacket around herself like a blanket while she listened to the Doctor's sweet singing voice.

"Your skin

Oh yeah, your skin and bones

Turn into something beautiful

You know, you know I love you so

You know I love you so."

I love you too, Doctor, Yaz thought. More than you could ever imagine.

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