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Yaz's POV

Yaz tensed at the sight of the black-cloaked figure on the pure white horse. She knew that something was unusual about it – the figure's mannerisms seemed off.

The way its neck twitched almost constantly, the almost robotic way it moved. Who knew what lay under the black hood that obscured its face?


"Yeah, I know Yaz," the Doctor said, slipping her sonic out of her suit pocket. "This thing is not human."

The crowds screamed and run about in chaos, many fleeing the room. The few that remained edged close to the walls and hugged the shadows, staring wildly at the intruder and the couple who stood there unphased.

"Well, hello there!" the Doctor smiled. "Here for the ball, I presume."

"Where is the stone?" the creature asked, neck twitching and voice ghostly and ominous.

"Stone? I dunno, haven't seen any stones," the Doctor said. "Who are you?"

"Where is the stone?"

The Doctor sighed, "Not much of a talker, huh?"

"Reminding me of police interviews," Yaz commented. A lot of people they interviewed would say 'no comment', something which aggravated Yaz even though she knew it was their right.

The Doctor asked another question, even though she knew there would be no answer, "What are you? You're not human – I can tell. I'm the Doctor. And if you need help, I can help you. We can do this peacefully-"

The Doctor was cut off as the creature drew his sword which turned out to be not a sword but a laser gun. It aimed at Yaz but the Doctor was quick to push Yaz out of the way, both of them landing on the floor.

"Yep, not human, from the future, alien tech," the Doctor concluded. The remaining few in the ballroom left, screaming and crying hysterically.

"Honestly, how are people that cowardly?" asked Yaz, shaking her head at the people running away.

"Not everyone's used to this, Yaz."

Suddenly the alien shot again, this time at the Doctor. Yaz was quick to act, but she wasn't quick enough.

The laser missed the Doctor. But it hit her clean on the side of her torso.

The Doctor's POV

"Yaz!" the Doctor cried as her girlfriend fell to the floor of the ballroom, her gown scorched and a red-hot burn where the laser had made contact.

Yaz was still conscious, silent tears slipping out of the corners of her eyes, eyes half-open. The Doctor her up bridal style. She would come back for the alien.

But Yaz's safety was the Doctor's first priority and she could see that Yaz was barely clinging to consciousness.

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