Chapter 10: The Big Fight

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Amy looks all around the house but can't find Knuckles anywhere. "Knuckles?" she screams. No response. Just silence.

"Where could he be?" Amy thinks. She starts to run down a mental list of Knuckles's favorite get away spots. Amy decides to get in her car and drive around in hopes of finding him.

After a good 30 minute ride around town she finally spots her lover crying on a bench alone. Amy quickly slams on brakes, parks the car, and runs to Knuckles.

"Babe! What's wrong?" Amy asked concerned. Knuckles refused to look at her. His eyes stayed pointed towards the ground. Amy slowly puts her hand on Knuckles's but he quickly pulls away. "Knuckles...This isn't like you...Please talk to me..."


Knuckles looks up with tears streaming down his red cheeks. "I just can't take it anymore," he whispers, "the way he talks to you...It hurts, Amy. I don't know how much longer I can put up with us being secretive. It's literally killing me inside." Amy begins to tear up. She nods. She too feels the pain, who wants to keep their love from the world? It's unnatural and hurtful. "You're right," Amy says gently, "No one should have to pretend..." Knuckles looks at Amy. He kisses her forehead.

"I still think we need to go through with the play," says Knuckles, "it's our safest bet." Amy nods, and replies "I agree. It would make me more comfortable. We just need to get Tails to finish it ASAP!"

Amy and Knuckles stand up and get into Amy's car. They know that these next few hours are going to be spent doing one thing: writing.

KnuxAmy Story: Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now