Chapter 15: The Worst Kind of Conversation

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Knuckles runs to Amy, bending down and holding her close.

"Don't cry my love," he whispers to her, "it will all be okay..."

Amy's sobs stop. The room becomes silent. "I knew this would happen," said Amy, slowly raising from the ground, "I should have listened to my gut and just stayed away from you" Knuckles starts to tear up, pained by Amy's words. "Amy," Knuckles quietly spoke "you don't mean that" he starts to take a step towards her but she quickly takes one back. "We have ruined a friendship, Knuckles. We have hurt someone we both loved." Knuckles shakes his head no. He can't believe what he is hearing. After all they went through, all they worked for.

Knuckles looks to his two friends and costars who have remained on stage, hoping for some sort of help or advice as to what to do. "I think we should leave..." said Tails whispered to Robotnik. The gentlemen leave quickly and quietly, leaving the fighting lovers to themselves.

"Look," Amy continued, "it's clear this is a problem. I never wanted to hurt Sonic. He's just as important to me as you are..." These words cut Knuckles like a knife. "Just as important to you than me?" Knuckles pointedly questioned. "Amy. I love you. Why does he matter? It's just Sonic! What do you two even have?" Knuckles visibly gets more and more frustrated and hurt with each word. "Tell me. Why are you wanting to end this? Please give me one good reason."

Without another second passing Amy speaks.

"He kissed me..."

Knuckles breath leaves his body.

"I'm sorry...What?"

Amy starts to cry. "He came to my dressing room before curtain to tell me to break a leg and he just...kissed me."

"So you cheated on me" Knuckles replies. He shakes his head, turns, and starts to exit the stage. Amy runs towards him, sobbing.

"Knuckles, stop, it wasn't like that. Please!"

Knuckles pauses. Takes a deep breath. And says "If it wasn't...You would have told me immediately...Instead, you kept it to yourself...That has to mean something."

Amy puts her hand on Knuckles's shoulder. "Don't do this..." she mutters. But it's too late. The damage is done.

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