Chapter 17: Private Betrayal

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More time passes and still the two ex lovers remain cold to one another. Months have gone by. No missions have been taken. Dr. Eggman seemed to respect the mourning of the lost love.

However, something within Amy eventually changed. It was 2am. Amy was experiencing one of those nights where the mind doesn't seem to want to stop racing. Her brain seemed to wander through thoughts she didn't want, finding places she didn't know existed.

One thought in particular kept repeating.

"What if I am supposed to be with Sonic," she questioned, "Everyone seemed to believe we were together or meant to be before Knuckles and I dated...Maybe they see something I just don't"

Amy started pacing around her room. Keeping her eyes closed and rubbing her temples she keeps thinking over the question. "I don't know what to do" she whimpers. Amy never felt so confused in her entire life. Sure, she loved Knuckles, but Sonic seemed to make more sense. If everyone else considered them perfect it must be right.

Amy then remembered the kiss (see chapter 13) and how she kept it to herself. "Maybe," she thought, "maybe I didn't tell Knuckles because deep down I knew it was right, like Sonic and I are supposed to be together" The toxicity of these dark thoughts kept pounding her noggin. "Knuckles was right, if it didn't mean anything I would've mentioned it"

The distraught Rose slowly inhaled then looked to her desk. Slowly she walked over and picked up her cellular telephone.

NEW TEXT MESSAGE TO: Sonic the Hedgehog

3:36A.M. - Amy Rose: Hey...Can we talk?

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