Chapter 11: Finish What Was Started

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Knuckles and Amy return to the house and immediately run into Tails's room. "Tails, we discussed it and we decided it's time we finish this play" says Amy nervously, still pondering if they should even continue with the plan. Tails nods, "I figured this would come to a head eventually...So I took the liberty of writing it all when you two were busy the other day," Tails pulls out a massive binder filled with paper, "Here you go guys. Introducing Forbidden Love: A Play by Miles Prower"

Amy and Knuckles stand with their mouths agape in shock. "You...finished it for us?" asked Knuckles curiously with tears in his eyes. "Yeah of course! I noticed how much time you two were spending together and figured I'd take it upon myself to finish it so you could have more time to fall in love." Amy and Knuckles tilt their heads, they didn't know Tails was such a romantic.

"This is great Tails," squeals Amy, "Now we just need to memorize the...several lines...*ahem* and block everything!" Knuckles smiles and nods in agreement. "Do you have more than one copy?" Knuckles asks only to see Tails pulling out three other binders from under his desk. "Of course. They are all hand written with love. There are four characters. There is Amy's character, Shamey," Tails hands her a binder, "Knuckles's character, Cuckles," he hands him a binder, "My character Snails," he puts down a binder for himself, "And...One more character..." Amy and Knuckles tilt their heads in confusion. "Who is the other character?" Amy asks. "His name is...Tonic." Knuckles drops his binder, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN TONIC?!?!?!?! TONIC AS IN SONIC?!?!?!?! GOODNESS TAILS ARE YOU GOING TO ASK HIM TO JOIN?!?!?!?!?!" Amy rubs Knuckles's back, calming him down. "No, actually I called in a favor from someone."


Everyone's heads turn to the door. "Hey there Sonic crew, how's it hanging?"

Knuckles and Amy scream "EGGMAN?!?!?!?!?!!!!!"

KnuxAmy Story: Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now