Chapter 7: Love is Blind, and so is Sonic

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"Tails, you HAVE to come with us," Knuckles begged, "you NEED to sit between us and Sonic. Maybe that way we could atleast have some moments on our own." Tails thought to himself for a minute, then nodded in agreement. "Alright," Tails replied "I'll come. The movie does sound interesting." Amy smiled and hugged Tails. "Thank you so much Tails, you're the best!".

They then headed out the door, got in Amy's car, and drove to the cinema. When they got there they saw Sonic waiting outside the building. "Hey gang!" Sonic said while waving. Knuckles, Amy, and Tails waved back. "I decided I'll be join you," Tails said "I just gotta buy my ticket." He walked up to the booth leaving the couple stuck with the blue machine for a bit. "So excited for this movie you guys! Thanks for the invite!!!!" Sonic yelled. He placed himself between Knuckles and Amy and put his arms around them. Knuckles awkwardly chuckled. "Right. Us too." Amy replied. Tails finally returned. "Got my seat." said Tails. "Great let's go!!!!!" Knuckles quickly replied. He took Amy's hand and started walking. Sonic questioned that action for a little bit but quickly shrugged it off.

They made their way to their cinema and sat down.
Knuckles and Amy made their way down the aisle but Sonic jolted in between them. Knuckles shot his head towards Tails and mouthed "HELP". Tails ran down "Sonic, here sit with me!" and sat next to Amy with Sonic on the other side of him. "Thank goodness" Knuckles thought. He sat down on the other side of Amy and smiled.

The movie began to play. In the darkness of the theatre Knuckles and Amy were able to hold hands at some points. Luckily Tails kept them from being close. "I wish we could kiss," Amy thought to herself, "maybe after the film..." Amy looked over to Knuckles. Knuckles doesn't notice. Amy blushed thinking about the meer possibility of locking lips with him. Unknowingly to Amy, Sonic peeks over towards her. "Sonic, pay attention!" Tails moved Sonic's head towards the screen. "Phew" Tails thought.

Two hours passed and the movie ended. They get up to leave and Tails looked over towards the couple. "Guys. Run on out!" Tails whispered. They looked back at him perplexed but run out the end of the aisle, away from Sonic and Tails. "Wait! Guys!" Sonic yelled. Tails stopped him. "Sonic! I want to show you something funny that happens at the end credits." he sits him down. Sonic shrugged again, "Okay Tails. Whatever you say buddy!" He patted him on the back.

Knuckles and Amy quickly ran outside. "I wonder why Tails told us to leave?" Amy pondered. Knuckles looked at her sweetly. "I think I have an idea..." he softly replied. Knuckles put his hand on Amy's chin and slowly leaned in and kissed her. Amy got on her tiptoes and closed her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed for what seemed to be an eternity. They pulled away and looked at each other in the eyes.

"GUYS!" Tails yelled at them.
They turned to see him running out to them with Sonic staggering behind him. They quickly backed away and looked casual. "Hey, why did you guys run away so quickly?" Sonic asked while he walked over to them. "Oh, we just had to go to the bathroom." Amy replied while smiling. "Did you enjoy the film?" Tails asked, looking directly at Knuckles. "Yes... I had an amazing time." Knuckles replied.

The date was perfect.

KnuxAmy Story: Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now