Chapter 4: Play it Forward

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Sonic was shaking with anger, his eyes filled with rage, blood vessels popping, sweat dripping down his brow. "This can't be happening." Amy said to herself. Knuckles starts to lose his breath.

"Sonic, bro, it wasn't what it looks like, HONEST!" Knuckles exclaimed. "He's telling the truth Sonic." Amy chimed in. The lovers stood and made their way towards the Blue machine, Knuckles limping a bit.

"Oh, okay, then explain to me why you both were so close! Almost kissing even!" Amy starts to panic. What could they possibly say to cover this up? But before Amy could even speak Knuckles blurted something out.

"A PLAY!" A moment passes and nothing is said. "I'm sorry... A what?" Sonic questions. "We're both in a play. We are the romantic leads, we were just practicing while I iced my injured foot." Sonic looked down at Knuckles's foot, thought, and then shrugs, "Aight. Seems legit. You better invite me to opening night! I wanna sit front row and center! HAHA!!!" Sonic punched Knuckles' shoulder in a friendly, bro-fashion and headed out. Knuckles and Amy sat in silence, too scared he might return and spot something again.

After 10 minutes pass, Amy finally broke the silence.

"How are we going to do this?" she asks, "I mean, this is a big secret to keep. We all live together. How could we possibly keep this out of Sonic's knowledge?" Knuckles pondered, then jumped up (as quickly as he could without hurting his still-throbbing foot). "I've got it!" Amy stands up, putting one hand on her hip, and raises an eyebrow. She couldn't wait to hear what Knuckles had come up with.

"Tails?" Amy asked.
"Yes! Tails! I once got him out of a date with Cream and, let's just say, he owes me a big favor." "Oh, well that's perfect! We can get him as a look out for us!" Knuckles smiled. Their plan is on it's way, as well as their new blooming relationship. Amy lays her head on Knuckles's shoulder.

"So... Does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" Knuckles asks.
Amy kisses his cheek, "Yes. It does."
They share their first kiss, it lasts for a couple seconds until Knuckles quickly pulls away.

"Oh no..." he mutters.
"What is it?"
"The play... What are we gonna do about this play?!"

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