Chapter 19: Sonic and Amy, Together Never

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Amy sits and waits for Sonic to finish his sentence.

"Amy, I've been thinking about it too...And.."

The anticipation is killing her inside. She starts to feel little sweat droplets fall from her forehead. Sonic takes a deep breath.

"I think you're right..." Amy looks at him, puzzled. "How so?" she questions. Sonic places his gloved hand ontop of hers, "That you belong with Knuckles."

Amy sits silent and shocked. Is he being serious? After causing this big of a stink AND trying ton infiltrate their KnuxAmy relationship he says this? Anyhow, she decides to be reasonable and hear him out. "What do you mean?" she asks, both genuinely but with a little bit of comedic flare considering what's happened since the play.

Sonic smiles, "Look, I know what I did after the play and how it was wrong. I should have stayed calm and listened. It wasn't right, not to you and not to Knuckles..." Amy sweats more. This is the last thing she thought would happen at this meet up. The Blue Blur continues, "And after lots of thinking...I fully believe y'all are perfect for each other," he chuckles, "it makes sense!"

With tears of joy Amy jumps out of her seat and rushes to Sonic, grabbing him in a huge hug. "Oh Sonic..." she manages to blubber out. Sonic embraces Amy. "You were always my best friend, Amy Rose, and you always will be." Amy wipes away her happy tears and sniffles.

"I'm so so SO glad we had this talk!" Amy yells with glee. The relief of not having the Sonic romance drama in her life is a very huge weight off her shoulders, especially because it seem their friendship is back to normal. The two reconciled pals go back to eating their food, when all of asudden...Amy realizes something.

"Knuckles still won't talk to me..."

Sonic smiles. "I think I have an idea."

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