Chapter 13: Show Time! Part 1

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After a month of hard work, rehearsing, and memorizing, the night of the play came upon the cast and lovers. With just a couple hours before curtain the cast finds themselves sitting backstage. "Wow, show time already," said Tails, "It's been a long time coming." Everyone nods in agreement, the whole KnuxAmy relationship has been a thing for about six months. Dr. Eggman stands up and takes a deep breath. "It's been a blast, I really hope this turns out well for you two. I must be going though, I need to get into character. I must channel Tonic and his life, emotions, and tongue." Eggman walks away leaving just Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. The couple hold hands whilst taking deep calming breaths. What they are about to do will change their entire lives.

Time passes and it is just ten (10) minutes until curtain. Backstage is hectic with everyone running around. Amy is sitting in her dressing room, alone. "I can't believe this is happening...We're actually doing this" says Amy to herself.


Amy jolts in her seat, she isn't expecting anyone. "Come in!" she hollers. She turns around only to see Sonic standing in the doorway with red roses in his hand. "Hey Amy...Just wanted to tell you break a leg tonight," he hands her the roses, "and give you these..." Amy accepts the roses smiling, "Oh my, Sonic...You didn't have to do this" Amy says. Sonic gently places his hand on her shoulder, "I know...I just wanted to" The blue blur smiles at Ms. Rose, they both stare into each others eyes. Slowly, Sonic leans in and kisses Amy, taking her by surprise. Pulling away Amy backs up. "Sonic...I can't, I mean I don't" Amy starts to say, but she is quickly interrupted by Tails barging into her dressing room. "TWO (2) MINUTES TIL PLACES MS. ROSE, TWO (2) MINUTES!" Tails quickly flies out of the room. Sonic smiles, "See you out there, Ms. Rose" he says jokingly. Sonic leaves and closes the door, leaving Amy alone with her thoughts for just a moment.

Amy makes her way to stage right. Across the stage on the left side she sees her love, Knuckles. He smiles at her. She smiles back. She then peeks out and views the audience. It's packed. Almost immediately she notices Sonic sitting front and center. "He's gonna be heartbroken," whispers Amy, "but should I tell Knuckles about the kiss?" She hears footsteps approaching. Amy turns around only to see Dr. Eggman covered head to toe in blue face paint. She can't help but giggle. "Hello Tonic!" she says greeting the pretend blue blur. Eggman bows, "Hello to you, Shamey!" Amy bows her head back at Eggman. The lights dim and the audience starts to applaud.

Tails, aka Snails, walks onto the stage, it looks like a kitchen - similar to the house the gang lives in. He begins to speak.

"Three friends, two lovers, one heartbreak. This...Is the tale we tell today," he smiles and starts flapping his tails and takes flight, "We find ourselves in small town Ohio. The setting? A house occupied by four friends. Tonic, Shamey, Cuckles, and Snails." Knuckles takes a deep breath, "Well," he thinks, "here goes nothing." Knuckles enters stage left. He speaks, "I am Cuckles, the echidna. I have a secret, I am in love with Shamey...But she is loved by my best friend, Tonic." Enters Amy, stage right. She takes center stage. "I am Shamey, the hedgehog. I also have a secret, I am in love with Cuckles...But he is Tonic's best friend. I also believe Tonic loves me," she looks at Sonic in the audience, "but he isn't for me." Knuckles/Cuckles and Amy/Shamey meet together on stage right, holding hands. Tails/Snails begins to speak. "As you can see, there is a love issue occurring. The two lovers decide to date, but keep it apart from Tonic. Ah, here he comes now" Tails motions to stage right, Dr. Eggman aka Tonic waltzes onstage. "AH YES! IT IS I, TONIC THE HEDGEHOG!" yells Dr. Eggman. He makes his way in between the two lovers, breaking them apart. "I am clueless to most things," says Eggman/Tonic, "but I'm still great!" Tails flies over to the threesome. "That leaves me. I am Snails the fox. I am the best friend of all, and I know all. You see, Cuckles and Shamey came to me when they started dating and told me everything. I support them 100% all the way, home run, touchdown score." The cast takes a seat at the table center stage. Amy/Shamey begins to speak. "Tonic, Cuckles and I would like to talk to you about something." Eggman/Tonic smiles, "What is it Shamey?" Knuckles/Cuckles and Amy/Shamey stand up and share a kiss. The audience goes "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Eggman/Tonic stands up and walks up close to the couple. "You mean to tell me...You two are dating?" Amy gulps, she is falling out of character. "Yes, Cuckles and I are dating."

"STOP THIS PLAY!" screams Sonic. He runs up onstage.

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