Chapter 16: Time is Slow

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Weeks went by and not a word was shared between any of the roommates. The house was filled with silence and the hallways remained dark, even when the sunlight creeped in through the windows.

Sonic wasn't around, in fact nobody knew where he went after running away from the performance. Everyone had their own guesses as to where he ran off to. Knuckles thought maybe he was hiding at Eggman's, but he kept that conspiracy to himself. Tails tried to start friendly banter between the lost lovers at the start of the quiet days but quickly became discouraged. Things were weird. The only time they spent together was at meals, but even those were short and far apart. Other than that everyone stayed in their corners of the house.

One day something changed. At a normally hushed breakfast Knuckles decided to speak. As the three sat around their kitchen table Knuckles began to think. "This is silly," he thought, "I should just say something. I can't take this any longer. I want to be with her again" and with that final thought he cleared his throat.

"Kindof a nice day today, isn't it?" Knuckles said softly inbetween long sips from his coffee. Tails's head shot up, surprised at the comment. "YES!" he immediately replied. Knuckles jumped at the yell, even Amy did. Both giggled a little bit but quickly stifled it. The tension was thick and heavy. Neither wanted to speak but both were yearning for it. After a long quier inhalation Amy chimed in, "Quite sunny."

Knuckles eyes softened when looking at his Rose. Maybe things would be okay. He hoped.

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