Chapter 20: Everyone Loves A Sequel

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"You have an idea?" Amy questions, not quite sure where this is heading.

Sonic stands up "Ahem..." He inhales a deep breath, placing one foot infront of the other. "To be...Or not to be...THAT...Is the question..." Bowing in silence, Sonic hopes his thought process came through.


It didn't.

The Blue Blur sits back down. "That was a quote from the play Hamlet...The play...Acting...Play" Any stares blankly but confused. Sonic sighs, "Ugh...I'm saying we could do another play."

Amy beams with excitement and applauds. "OH!!! Oh oh oh!!!! That's perfect!!!" She cheers, "What a full circle moment. I really think Knuxy will appreciate the theatricality and commitment to the lore of our story." Closing his eyes and nodding, Sonic gives a little "Hm! Hm!" in agreement.

"So it's settled. We're gonna have Play Part 2: Electric Boogaloo?" Sonic asks, standing up and putting his hand out for a shake. "Yes!" Amy says taking his hand and moving it up and down. Together, the Purple Pals (blue + pink) head back to the house.


As they enter the house, it is now 6:15a.m., they see Tails groggily sitting at the kitchen table. Amy walks over to him and gives him a nice, gentle back pat. "Hey Tails," she says, "how you doing this morning?" Tails looks up to her, partially shocked since the house had been nonverbal for months and partially thankful because it means things might just be back to normal. "Hey *yawns* how are y'all?" Tails covers his mouth during the yawn. Then, realizing that it's Amy and Sonic together, snaps out of his dreamy daze. "WAIT A MINUTE?!?!?!!!??!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!! SONIC AND AMY TOGETHER AGAIN TALKING?!?!?!!" Tails flies out his chair taking flight. Amy quickly shushes him, taking his arm and running into Tails's room. Sonic follows.

Slamming the door, Amy nicely throws Tails onto his bed. "Tails," Amy speaks, "quick update. Sonic and I talked and we're on the same page. We are staying best friends, things are okay!" They look at each other and smile. Tails does too. "Oh thank goodness," Tails says whilst letting out a sigh of relief, "It's been MONTHS! I AM SO GLAD TO HAVE SOME NORMALCY AGAIN." Amy covers Tails's mouth, "Tails! Shush! Don't wake Knuckles, please!" she begs. Tails nods his head, understanding.

"Oh! Knuckles! Amy, you and he...Are you still wanting --" "To get him back?" she interrupts, "yes!" Tails smiles. "Good! But how?" Sonic steps forward, boasting his chest. "With a little 'To be, or not to be' my dear Tails."

Miles "Tails" Prower's face beams with excitement. "Just let me grab my typewriter, Sonicspeare." Amy groans, "Of course HE understood that" and face palms. The three gather around the desk, discussing all that is to go down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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