Chapter 5: Tails, Can You Keep a Secret?

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"We need to get home before Sonic!!!" Knuckles muttered. Amy was speeding down the highway. "We'll make it Knuckles, calm down," Amy reassured him, "Sonic was only on his 65th mile when we left."
When they arrive home they see the light on in Tails's room. "Thank God!" Knuckles cried. They quickly got out of Amy's car and ran straight to Tails's room, only to find him sleeping in his bed.
"TAILS!" Amy screamed. Tails jolts up and lets out a little cry of fear. "GOODNESS GUYS! What's wrong?!?!!" Tails cried.

Knuckles sat at the head of Tails's bed and looked him in the eyes. "Tails. Remember that one time I covered for you when Cream asked you out?" Tails nods quickly. "Yeh, you really saved me there man!"
Knuckles smiled. "Well, I need to cash in my 'I owe you' right now, alright?" Tails looked at Knuckles puzzled. "Okay... What is it?"

Amy held Knuckles's hand.
"What the heck?" Tails mumbled.
"Listen... Amy and I are dating." Knuckles responded.

Amy grabbed Tails's hand and pulls him down. "No, I was never Sonic's girl. He never went for me. I'm also my own person and belong to no one." Tails nods, knowing she is right.
"How did this start?" he asked.
Knuckles and Amy brief him on their feelings for one another, the gym accident, and the almost kiss. They mentioned how Sonic caught them almost kiss, but they convinced him it wasn't what it looked like.

"Well... What exactly do I have to do?" Tails asked.
Amy hugs, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Tails. This means so much to us. Thanks for helping us!" Knuckles rustled Tails hair and laughs. "Look. We really need a look out for when Sonic is on his way towards us, whether it's in the house or somewhere in public. Can you handle that?"
"Pshaw. Ofcourse! I'll keep my eyes on him and text you when he's approaching."
"Perfect!" Amy squealed.
"There is... One more thing. We sort of... Kind of... Told Sonic we were in a play and that's why we were 'kissing'..." Tails stares blankly at them.
"Are you expecting me to write a play?"
Knuckles and Amy slowly smiled at him, they didn't even THINK about Tails writing the play.

"Could you Tails? Could you???" Amy begged.
Tails sighed "Sure."
Knuckles squeaked "Yay!!!"

They decide that the play will be about a boy and a girl who fall in love, but hide it from their best friend. Then, in the end, they will reveal that Amy and Knuckes are the boy and the girl and Sonic is the best friend.

"I think this will be a nice way to come out to Sonic" Tails responded.

They all shake hands and part ways.

Now, Knuckles needed to plan their first date.

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