Chapter 2: Love at First Spot

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Breakfast left Knuckles feeling really shook up. He almost blew his secret infront of Sonic! That would make things worse.

To help get things off his mind Knuckles heads to the gym for his work out. "Lifting and running always helps get things off my mind," he thinks "let's work this thing out."

When he finally arrives at the gym he sees a familiar car. It's a pink volkswagen beetle. He reads the license plate.
"Pink Rose"

He stops dead in his tracks. It's Amy's car. He starts to turn around but before he could get away he hears a voice calling for him.

"Knuckles? HEY KNUCKLES!!!!" It's Amy.
"Shoot" he mutters to himself. He's been caught. Now he HAS to go to the gym.
Amy dashes over towards him. Knuckles takes some deep breaths. He wasn't expecting this to happen.

"Hey! I didn't know you were coming to the gym today, otherwise I would have offered to drive you!" she smiles and nudges his shoulder. Knuckles trembles a bit. Her touch always makes him feel warm. "Yeh, well, it was a last minute decision. I decided to come so I just jogged here." He looks down at his feet, nervous. "Oh, well let me drive you back! We can talk about what you wanted to tell me on the way back." she smiles again and heads inside.

Knuckles watches her walk away. "She's just so...lovely," Knuckles gushes to himself.
"I love her..."

After making his way into the gym Knuckles heads over to the treadmill. He puts in his headphones, starts up the machine, closes his eyes, and starts his jog. "This is nice." he thinks to himself. Knuckles loves jogging. After jogging 5 miles he decides to head over to the lifting area. Knuckles also loves to lift weights.

He starts setting up his barbell when Amy heads over. Knuckles looks up only to see her smiling at him. "Oh, Amy. Hey. Need anything?" Knuckles asks politely, secretly hoping she'd say yes.
"Just wanted to check on you, that's all," she replies. "Maybe I could spot you?" Knuckles smiles "Yes! Sure! That'd be great actually." Knuckles lays down under the barbell, and Amy stands behind him, ready to help him move the barbell off the stand.


Amy helps move the barbell and Knuckles starts lifting. He does 30 reps and then, with the help of Amy, puts the barbell back on the stand.

"Phew. That felt great," Knuckles says winded "thanks so much for your help." Amy giggles "No problem! I love spotting for people". Knuckles stands up and starts to take the weights off.
"Actually," Amy starts "you look extremely handsome when you lift."



Knuckles drops a 20 pound weight on his foot. Amy's compliment caught him by surprise. He couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god, Knuckles! Are you okay????" Amy yells running over to him. "Here. Let's go get you some ice." She puts her arm around him and helps him walk over to the locker room.

"This can't be happening" Knuckles thinks while blushing profusely. He is in shock from the weight but also from the compliment and the touching.
"This has to be a dream..."

KnuxAmy Story: Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now