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There's always a situation involving exposure to danger

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There's always a situation involving exposure to danger. It's called risk.

We've known it ever since our parents died, and we were taken in by our fathers' sister, an assassin in the underworld.

The first time we met was at the cemetery.  Her name is Madonna.

"Aunt Madonna" I say this in amusement while she plays with my long hair, curling it in her fingers lightly.

Our aunt is a girl version of our dad, having the same facial structure and has the same eyes and hair color.

Her beauty is very intriguing. I was enamored right away. 

She's unlike anyone I've ever met. Her eyes, on the other hand, were a brighter green than my father's, and the dark brown of her hair provided a nice contrast, allowing it to stand out even more. We were taken aback when she explained what she does and why we are unable to meet her at any of our family gatherings.

Our father appears to have a good understanding of what she does for a living. Although he didn't support it, he respected her choices in life.

She was honest from the beginning about her secret job. She gave us a choice if we wanted to stay with her or live a normal life with strangers.

It took us three months to decide on her because child services were splitting us to live with different families.

Since our aunt is blood, we didn't want to be separated. She eventually turned out to be a decent person who raised us as her own children.

We made peace with our choice to live in her world.

To survive in her world, she had to teach us her ways. We were trained as professional retrievers and eliminate whoever gets in the way.

She has an impressive ability to get close to the target. Close enough to plant explosives.

She made our bodies built like athletes. We were training from sunrise to sundown. Because we burn calories like an ectomorph, our bodies can consume anything.

I developed a huge liking for computers; when my aunt learned that I have a brain for it, she supported me.

She made a conscious decision to send me to one of her trustee intimate friends named Astor to teach me the ins and outs of the world of programming.

I've always thought that Astor has feelings for my Aunt. Anyone can tell by the way he looks at her while he lingers longer than needed. I never knew what their relationship truly was, but it seems that my aunt has her way of keeping bridges intact with many men and Astor is just one of them.

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