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The exquisite make-up that I loved so much and the assistant spent a long time on is now smeared with Charles' blood

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The exquisite make-up that I loved so much and the assistant spent a long time on is now smeared with Charles' blood. I swallow hard at how awful I appear when I gaze in the mirror in this airplane's lavatory.

There were dried tears and blood all over  my face. The cool water felt wonderful against my skin as I washed my face clean and a small bruise was already appearing from the hard smack I got.

All of the terrible memories are beginning to resurface and assault me in the back of my brain. The sensation of my body beginning to tremble prompted me to grip the sink tightly in order to keep my body safe and shut my eyes in order to calm my anxieties. Both eyes well up with tears. I'm trying to persuade myself that I'm finally free and that my baby now has a chance to have a normal life.


I try to push and wrap my brain around me to make it believe that I am safe. I breathe deeply and very slowly to calm my shaking body. I try to tell my brain to relax for the baby inside can feel the stress, but it's not working. There is still a part of me that tells my instinct that Charles will come back for me. I hit the mirror out of frustration and then I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I opened it, and right away I was engulfed in a hug by my sister. We stayed like this again for I don't know how long.

"You're safe now. I'm here." That is all I could hear Carly say repeatedly. She must have seen my eyes all red again.

I pulled away from the tight hug when I heard a small whimper from Carly and I noticed Carly's black shirt was drenched with so much blood

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I pulled away from the tight hug when I heard a small whimper from Carly and I noticed Carly's black shirt was drenched with so much blood. "You're bleeding!" I said in panic as it only registered that she was bleeding from the gun shot Rich fired at her. He caught us back in the waiting room and overheard every revelation in our conversation.

 He caught us back in the waiting room and overheard every revelation in our conversation

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