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After I claimed Baby, I'm unable to stop thinking about her

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After I claimed Baby, I'm unable to stop thinking about her.  She completely has consumed my obsession. The minute I'm away from her, I imagine her trying to do something stupid to herself again. I've never cared this much about any woman in my whole life apart from my mother.  When I saw her trying to drown herself deliberately in the tub something in me ignited to posses her, I don't know what it is but I can't leave her alone.

I'm surprised at myself because after tasting her, I developed a strong desire to be around her. I'm well aware of her current mental state, and I'm excited to subdue her and watch her accept the new life she's about to engage.

I could tell that I succeeded with making her believe my threats. She's been very obedient these past three weeks.


This is an unpleasant emotion but very crucial. Fear keeps people in line when they have an extreme reverence towards someone above them and torture is one way to instill this.

I've had enough of her trying to commit suicide twice in less than a week. I need to put a stop to it before she succeeds in taking her own life. My jaw hardens remember seeing her lifeless the first time. It wasn't the plan to fuck her over breakfast but the way she was begging to save other people was so irresistible. I couldn't help myself, I just have to have her innocence right then and there.

Her whimpers were soothing to my ears, and her blood looked luscious between her legs. I remember feeling how good her pussy clench on my throbbing dick.

I resent drawing her blood, but it's the only way to keep her in line, particularly because I know she's willing to die for something insignificant however she has maintained my interest for the same cause.

It's been awhile to have witness such bravery, most of the men and women in my world would be willing to throw anyone under the bus to save themselves but Baby is an exception.

She breaks out of character the minute her love ones gets threaten. She didn't even think twice about giving up all that money.

Clearly, she didn't survive being a retriever all this time having that kind of weak behavior. Although I'm not in rush but I intend to find out who she's been working with. She's too smart to put back in the trance machine and I don't think beating her would get me anywhere. I just have to parade her out there and use her as a bait.

If my enemies conclude they can recruit retrievers to interfere with any of my business and get away with it, they are in for a surprise. I'm not your average businessman; they didn't call me the "King of the Underworld" for nothing.

Since I own the majority of the world's largest pharmaceutical and arms technology firms, I've made a lot of enemies all over the world. I can produce and sell any kind of substance to any company that can afford to pay, whether it's legal or not, because I also own half of the world's government in my hands, and my grip only grew stronger when I obtained those valuable Nanobots. I genuinely altered the game by making any military member kiss the ground I walked on.

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