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These words ring in my head as if they were just words and nothing were real about it

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These words ring in my head as if they were just words and nothing were real about it.

"I won't exactly thank you for you are the reason why the virus was there in the first place.  However you are also the reason why this new system is stronger. So for that here's a deal before midnight strikes if you get out of this building, you can have your freedom along with that billion dollar necklace but if not, you are to remain mine forever."

"You-you will let me go?" I felt my face  numbed quick. "As long as I have my foot out of this building?" My voice is somewhat coming out husky.

"Yes, I'm even giving you two whole hours and extra twenty minutes." Charles exclaimed as he looks at the time.

He air swipes a command, taking out the illusion and changing the window hologram view to a normal view. It's night time, I see the lights all over the city.

"You have access to every door you wish to use, even the elevators but you have to step both feet out of this building before midnight."

"It can't be that too easy. Whats the catch?" I reply.

"You just have to survive these." Charles air swipes a command and small mechanical insects flies down from the flowers hanging above.

It seems that there's about 200 pieces of them, up there just flying around. So those were the moving glowing things, I thought to myself.

He air swipes another command and one insect comes flying and landing nicely on his palm.

"These are exactly like those pesky insects except these don't suck blood, they inject you with sedatives but don't worry they are low dose for I really want you to win this one

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"These are exactly like those pesky insects except these don't suck blood, they inject you with sedatives but don't worry they are low dose for I really want you to win this one." Charles says this with a sly smile.

My eyes displayed true horror.  Charles squashes the little mechanical insect in his palm.

"See! they're like real insects."  He laughs, brushing off the remains of the little guy off his hands.

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