Bonus Chapter part 2

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Hiding my fear was very difficult, with my voice shaking coming out tiny

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Hiding my fear was very difficult, with my voice shaking coming out tiny. "Please, Charles... Please don't hurt him. He's just a baby." I say, my tears are falling nonstop.

"I will not hurt my son, but I can't say the same for you," Charles says, gently putting our tiny son back to sleep and laying him in the crib. He sprayed something on him, in my conclusion, one of those sedative sprays.

I felt a sudden urge to run and grab my son, but he was quicker than me when I felt his arms wrap around my waist to stop me from reaching my son.

I felt a sudden urge to run and grab my son, but he was quicker than me when I felt his arms wrap around my waist to stop me from reaching my son

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He grabbed my wet hair with a very tight grip, burning my scalp. I'm full of fear even to fight back. He quickly drags my small frame compared to his to the bed.

"What did you do?" I started crying loudly. I'm sure someone heard my cries. "Don't worry; our son is safe. "Charles issues an air swipe command, a movement that I haven't seen in a while, it railed in all my traumas back into my system.

Suddenly, the noise downstairs was quiet. I feared for the lives of the people downstairs, including my sister.

"Much better before they wake up our son," Charles says casually as if he had just turned off the volume on a television.

I started screaming no, as panic settles deeper, I knew something terrible had happened already.

"You smell so fucking good. How I've missed you. Stop screaming!" Charles said as I felt his consecutive slaps all over my face, shutting me up in pain. He didn't hold back the sharpness of every hit could be heard all over the room.

He threw me on the bed and quickly got on top of me because I didn't have it in me to fight back. He pulled the towel that only covered me, revealing my body while he pinned my arms above my head.

Charles's index finger traveled on the line scar I have above my front bottom.

"Your body is mine, and everything else belongs to me! All of the scars you have will be caused only by me," pertaining on the tiny stretch marks my pregnancy left as his hands roamed around my body.

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