A world which nanobots can repair the human body. Landed in the hands of the most cunning and devious underworld king. Many have died attempting to steal it, but only one has survived because the ruthless leader was smitten by her beauty.
The intent...
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The Belle sister, as I've come to know that alias. Now it's only a matter of time before Baby's sister will come for her. I need to find her first before she can take my girl away from me.
My idiot brother is so desperate that he will hire anyone without conducting his own background checks in order to get ahead. How the hell did Peter not know that these retrievers were under Madonna?
Killing Madonna will create a fresh tempest; she is successful not just because of her skills, but also because of the lowlifes she has aided throughout her miserable life. This needs a load of planning for advance damage control before the word gets out she's been murdered. I swiped a command to activate a team and begin silencing anyone associated with Madonna.
A true headache Madonna was, once she had crossed. I looked at her corpse, laying on a metal bed, ready for cremation. As soon as I walked away, I could hear them locking her body up to be turned into ashes. I'm sure Baby would appreciate having her favorite aunt turned into a diamond.
Such a waste of a talent. Madonna could have been more powerful, but she chose to be independent, taking measly jobs for lowlife underworld agencies. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes longer to find Baby's sister now that Astor is almost certainly out there helping her.
Now that Madonna is out of the way, I have nothing to worry about keeping Baby in my hold. I didn't expect her to turn out to be the only flaw in this game of war.
This is one feature that I've worked hard to avoid for many years. I would never put my position on the line in such a delicate situation. The same can be said about risk; I've never gambled on a losing horse , but being away from Baby has made me realize that things might be different; I've developed an inexplicable connection to her, and whatever is mine is mine. I will annihilate anybody who attempts to take her away from me. I'm confident that, as my brother has shown, all of my other enemies will now seek her out and use her to their advantage.
I knew Peter had planted a mole because how else would he know about my feelings for Baby? Why did I ever give in to our father's pressure to make a blood agreement with my mother not to murder Peter? Even after they are both dead, they manage to protect their favorite son. It would have been easier to swallow If I was adopted.
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