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Astor dragged my body out of the bushes like a bag of potatoes

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Astor dragged my body out of the bushes like a bag of potatoes. You could hear muffled cries coming from me as I attempted to get Astor to remove the tape that covered half of the bottom of my face.

I try to kick and shatter as many smaller tree trunks and plants as possible in order to have tracks.

After about a half-hour, I started to feel agony in my belly as it dug into his shoulders. Astor didn't stop, but instead dragged me all the way to another little footpath leading to the main road. I made sure my shirt gets snag in one of the branches leaving a piece of cloth.

Astor had another medium size car, which he had positioned and well disguised near to a large tree for further protection

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Astor had another medium size car, which he had positioned and well disguised near to a large tree for further protection. He seated me in the front seat and instructed me to fasten my seat belt as he made his way to the driver seat.

"If you promise to remain quiet, I will remove the tape; but, if you continue to make noise, I will replace it with a fresh one right away.  You can bet I would do it too!" Astor forewarned me when his friendly stare could no longer be seen.

I nodded in agreement.

The tape is gently removed from my lips, and I can feel the stickiness of the strips as I wipe away all of my perspiration with my right  shoulder from my struggle to keep my hands unbound.

My tears simply continued coming down while I heaved and heaved. I couldn't stop them. All of the sobbing didn't bother Astor since he just had one aim in mind.

As we drove farther away from the little lodge, I became more irritated as I looked in the rearview mirror at myself.

"If you attempt to do anything, I will sedate you. Please don't make this any more difficult than it already is. I will untie you when you calm down, but if you do anything, I will sedate you." Astor spoke in hushed tones, his voice shaking with emotion.

"How-how can you simply let her die like that?" I was able to express myself for the first time. "I was under the impression you were over  heels in love with her." Astor didn't say anything, but he wiped away the perspiration and tears from his brow.

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