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All of my motions have been limited, and this includes walking

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All of my motions have been limited, and this includes walking. They have me hooked up to a machine that causes my body to be partly paralysed for a few hours every day to help me complete rest while the bleeding from my placenta is occurring. Every three hours, a designated person comes in to stretch my limbs and sit with me while several experts are carefully watching me.

My baby.

The term itself is identical to my given name. I recalled my father's explanation of why they named me Baby, and it brought back memories. All the time, people ridiculed me for my unusual forename. Still, my father, as he always did, was excellent at explaining the significance of my given name to their most cherished and youngest daughter, which I appreciated. As far as we know, our great grandmother had the same name as our grandmother, who was well-liked and respected by the community for having an enormous heart and refusing to listen to detractors. I recall him telling me that no one else in my generation had been given this name.

It is an honor to have passed it down to me, making me an exceptional individual. I let out a sigh in my mind. As I hear my name being gently spoken, I begin to panic.

When I opened my eyes, it was Charles standing in front of me. He has the ability to know when I am awake. The monitor receives information from a bit of patch on my wrist. He expresses a want to cuddle, which I accommodated since I was told to devote more attention to the infant. By daydreaming about all the great things I can do with my child, I attempt to relax at night. Even though it took me a few days to completely comprehend what was going on, listening to the baby's heartbeat for the first time was the most comforting sound I could have heard. It had totally melted my heart. I was all in being a mother right away.

Most of the time that I was at the private care, Charles was there

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Most of the time that I was at the private care, Charles was there. In fact, he was the very first person I saw when I opened my eyes after being involved in the incident. I suppose this is his way of expressing his regret for what occurred, but I recall him threatening me at one point during the same night while I was in and out of consciousness. "If you lose this baby, I will see to it that you lose your niece as well." Charles's last threat before I'm plunged into darkness once again. I make an effort not to think about anything bad for the sake of the baby.

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