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A nice cool snapping crisp sound echoed through the whole room as my boxing gloves met the long hanging punch bag

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A nice cool snapping crisp sound echoed through the whole room as my boxing gloves met the long hanging punch bag. This sound calms my nerves as another sleepless night knocks on me. I haven't worked out in a long time, and I can't recall the last time I did while I was attempting to concentrate on my breathing. As I prepare for the greatest battle of my life, I attempt to harness all of my rage and punch it out.

I beat the bag with all of my strength, and every blow is equivalent to the amount of craziness I'm building up inside of my head. I despise how my mind ignores and pushes it all the way back into my brain, the thought that one day, all of the new-found pleasure I'm experiencing, which includes happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment all rolled into one, will be taken away by some unseen force. As guilt crept in, I began kicking the bag, and my very own blood was sacrificed in order to achieve it.


The last two and a half years have been nothing short of ecstasy. I married the love of my life and gave birth to a daughter for him. Believe it or not, I am the only happy person in the whole world who is content with a mundane regular existence.

 Believe it or not, I am the only happy person in the whole world who is content with a mundane regular existence

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I switched from my previous fast-paced existence of folding pledges to folding diapers for my kid. From cleaning up the messes of underworld organizations to cleaning up my daughter's poop. I simply didn't expect it to be taken away so soon.

I caught my breath for a minute as I suddenly the same pinch in my heart, tears starts to blur my vision as I am being pulled into that memory.

I looked at my sleeping daughter after putting her to bed and wished that tonight could last a little longer.She exudes innocence and peacefulness. I want her to be able to live in a free world that is full of opportunities. Before leaving her room, I kissed her one last time on the lips.

I sigh at the idea that there is nothing in this world that I would not go to great lengths to provide for her. My husband is getting a quick bite to eat as I make my way downstairs. He's still working on the new project he's taken on, and I can hear him as I walk down the stairs.Due to our inability to keep a regular citizen's job, he and I decided to start a small furniture company, which isn't very profitable at the moment but will suffice until we can come up with something better in the future as a disguise.

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