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The will to continue to live despite this torture comes down to one goal

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The will to continue to live despite this torture comes down to one goal. I need to get my hands on those Nanogex. I can use that to cure my Aunt Madonna, for she will fix this mess we caused and to do that, I need to compel my mind to do the one thing I'm trained for.


I need to survive. If I die within 11 months, Carly will know something is wrong and she will definitely look for me, but I'm afraid she will never know who she's up against. I can never take that chance of putting her life in danger. All I need to do is get Charles to trust me.

I know I'm still in the city; I was trying to figure out where I was, but Charles caught me snooping, mistaking it for what appears to be another attempt at suicide.

There's something sinister about the way he looks at me. I could see he wanted to keep me around, and he enjoys assaulting me. I stare at his mesmerizing brilliant eyes, which can entice anyone. He enjoys having control, and with his followers, everything appears to revolve around him. It's very dangerous, but I had to see how far he would go to keep me.

Alarm filled my mind the moment I clapped eyes on those torture tools. I've heard of these live dark pornography shows that the sick affluent would pay for, and I know this one is no exception. I can't bear the thought of what's about to happen to this child, and I refuse to be a part of this callous world.

I had spent plenty of time studying him just like any pledges I've made in the past. One thing is for certain, I know how Charles enjoys inflicting agony on others. If I just give him satisfaction and survive this, I know I can make my way out of here, but first I need to survive the torture.

 If I just give him satisfaction and survive this, I know I can make my way out of here, but first I need to survive the torture

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I didn't dare budge from where I was when he requested me to bind myself because he would torment me in any case. The mechanical bound swooshes the child up and vanishes into thin air in the dark while a new bound reappears within seconds. No way I will go through that fatal lashing again.

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