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The smell of burnt wood filled the room the moment the door opened

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The smell of burnt wood filled the room the moment the door opened. It's somewhat sour from the chemical involved making me cough. Certain parts of this enormous mansion are still on fire and you could hear the crackling pine burning, suggesting that the arson occurred just a few hours ago. While the smoke could be seen for miles, the camouflage device would conceal everything.

 While the smoke could be seen for miles, the camouflage device would conceal everything

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He made his men use a fire squelching agent to separate half of the smoke. There's also a grey sand-like material being thrown to pave the way in the mansion, disipating the black smoke.

I look back as I hear more vehicles and see loaded trucks with the same powdery substance backing in, so it seems that his whole team came in prepaid for this plan.

When we moved forward in the mansion. Me following his footstep, I didn't realize how broad his shoulders were, his built we're define giving his attire a more intimidating vibe.

My eyes were teary as we walk in more and my cough seemed to pop in and out. As I'm being dragged by one of his guys, I see my captor return my stare. 
I unknowingly held my breath. His eyes were so bright in this dark place. Just looking at my whole form.

When he realized I wasn't wearing any shoes, he made a motion to the man who was clutching my chained wrists.

The tall muscular guy easily carried me bridal style and continued walking with the rest of the group. I say thank you as i cough on his suit grateful somehow given my situation having someone to carry me at this tired state, I kept my eyes shut as I feel my body exhausted from all the harsh treatment I've received.

I felt my body being softly laid on the floor, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a man a few feet away, wearing a black bag on his head, knelt on the floor, half of his body dangling because his hands were bound to a burnt post. He was surrounded by tall men who towered over him. Anyone who looks at his body can tell he's been battered to a pulp.

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